The Meg - Movie Review

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a big-budget excuse to see Jason Statham fight a shark the size of a semi. The story follows Jonas Taylor (Statham) as he assists a futuristic sea lab terrorized by a giant deep-sea predator - and looks good doing it. This is a dumb movie and it doesn't aspire to be anything else. Statham is chiseled, grizzled, and delivers one-liners like the pro that he is. The shark is big, the scientist's kid is adorable, and the technology is shiny and sci-fi. There's a zany billionaire, a wizened grandad, and Statham's best friend is named Mac. The tech geeks have names like Jaxx and DJ, and there are exactly as many jump scares / bigger fish moments as a sharsksploitation movie needs. The movie drags in parts, particularly the unnecessary intro, but it picks up in the last act - and let's face it, you're here to see Statham fight a shark, and by golly it delivers on that. It's a minor spoiler to say it, but yes, Jason Statham does fight the megalodon in hand-to-hand combat at one point in this movie. When I realized that I was going to see that happen for real, I was laughing so loud in the theater that I got a few bad looks. Catch this at a matinee or discount ticket day, and revel in the straight-faced silliness of this film. It's not going to linger in cinema history, but it's good clean shark-fighting fun.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2018 ⏰

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