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I've been here only twice before. Only two other times in my life has someone managed to snag my stubborn heart into their embrace. Keeping it there until we both ended up falling apart instead of together.

If I could tell you how I felt. If I could say that your lips are different from the others. That the intense look you give me with your flashing eyes sets me on fire in ways I can't even begin to describe. That laying on the floor of my basement and talking for two hours is the best part of my whole week. If I could say these things maybe you'd say you feel the same.

Regardless of what my heart wants me to do I can never have you. Not now not ever. Not unless my best friend who claimed and kissed you first decides she is through. Unless maybe you decide you want me that way too.

Yet this predicament didn't stop you from kissing me. From pulling me into your arms and telling me how you love the things I wish I could change about myself. It didn't stop you from laying on the lawn with me that night. Fireworks glittered across the sky but all your eyes would look at was me. It didn't stop you from showing up to my house at 2am in the rain. Your face desperate and your hands heavy with longing as they danced along the shape of my body.

But it also didn't stop you from leaving the next morning. Taking more of my heart than before.

It didn't stop me from wanting more.


This is a letter, poem, love note, whatever you want to call it, to the boy that currently resides in my heart. This is apart of a contest and if I win I will send him this letter.:) thanks for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2018 ⏰

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