The True Ruler

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Felix sighed in defeat leaning back in his chair while watching the live video of his and T-Series sub count. They were only a hundred behind now and they were gaining subscribers fast.  He knew they were going to pass him within the hour, his sub count was barely moving. He pushes his feet against the floor sliding his chair away from the desk while running his hands across his face. He switches off his computer and walks out not noticing the red blinking T on his screen.

 Felix walked into his room to find Marzia already asleep and Edgar jumping at his legs. He picked Edgar up and put him on the bed next to Maya before crawling in ignoring the uneasy feeling in his gut.  

He wasn't dreaming until a bright white light blinded his dream self. He looked down at himself wearing his full wakdonalds suit with a sword on his back. A black road appears in front of him and he follows through the thick cloud of smoke until he reaches a big warehouse. Actually it's the only building around other than barrels and chairs. He was about to open the door before it swings open in his direction making him roll away to the side of the building. Since when did I have ninja skills?  He thought to himself. Oh yeah I'm asleep. He shuts himself up when two Indian guys start talking outside.

"That dumb Swede doesn't know what he's gotten himself into."

"I bet you he'll be out by the first round."

"Deal." They shake hands on it and walk into the field of chair and barrels into the mist. Looking up Felix sees a window way above his head. He tries jumping up to grab the ledge but just ends up headbutting the wall and falling backwards. So much for ninja skills. Getting up he goes to grab a chair and pulls it over towards the window climbing up on it. He nearly screams in fright when he finally get on the ledge. Inside the warehouse there was a giant robotic hand clenching its fist and un clenching it while being attached to a gigantic chest with a T on it. The chair Felix was previously stood on collapsed in on itself somehow and suddenly what can only be assumed to be the head of the robot turned to where he was blinding him with red lights.

Suddenly he was sitting up in bed breathing heavily with Edgar trying to lick his face. "Down boy." He gets out of bed knowing he wont be able to sleep and goes to his recording room. The red T is no longer blinking on his screen instead it was replaced with. WE ACCEPT. He sits in the chair instantly passing out. Or that's what he thought. This time his consciousness awoke in a white room. Felix watched his hand as it slowly formed from blue blocks. Everything was the same as the last dream except this time Pokemon battle music was playing and there were a bunch of Indian people in the stands around him cheering. At what he can only assume was the undercards results.

yellowbeesknees HAS BEEN DEFEATED @scorcher159 WINS (Turns out I cant tag myself wahey)

Though the cheering becomes way louder when the next card comes up.


Bright yellow text appeared above the arena as the robot from earlier jumper in over the cheering Indians. A white block appears in front of Felix, unsure of what to do he tries walking off but instead a red box saying T SERIES USES SMASH just as the bot brings down its fist on top of him. When the first lifts Felix grabs his head in pain. How did I survive that? -150 HEALTH covers his vision when he gets back up. Looking down at the white box he clicks on ZERO DEATHS and his health instantly goes up to 100. Oh yeah, I cant do this. He thinks to himself while pressing WHAMEN RESPECT filling him with a white aura of power.


PEWDIEPIE USES -- BUT CAN YOU DO THIS?! Felix barely dodges the swipe before clicking on SKRATTAR DU FORLORAR DU MANNENNNN making the arena shake like an earthquake. The bot counters his attack by punching the floor, causing an earthquake of its own.

PEWDIEPIE USES -- HMMMMMMMMMMM. Confusing the robot making it dazed.

PEWDIEPIE USES -- NARUTO SHIPPUDEN. Felix super speed up the robot until he is on his shoulder before using the last attack he had left. 

PEWDIEPIE USES -- BROFIST. His fist charges with blue energy before hitting T-Series with a loud sonic boom. Felix kicks off the bot as it falls doing a back flip before landing at his starting point. Silence fills the arena as the smoke clears up with only Felix left standing. I DID IT?! He was about to jump for joy when suddenly.

T-SERIES USES -- LOUD INDIAN MUSIC. The bots health shoots up to 60 and the bot stands back up. Panicking on what to do Felix presses HMMMMMMMMM again but this time the bot was prepared. 

T-SERIES USES -- NAZI SALUTE. Felix shoots backwards into the stands unable to get up. -99 HEALTH. Unfair. Felix struggles to get up just as a blue box replaces the white one. SPECIAL ATTACK AVAILABLE. Not taking any chances Felix presses NARUTO SHIPPUDEN speeding down the stands towards the bot. He could tell it was about to use SWIPE so he quickly uses BUT CAN YOU DO THIS?! and rolls out of the way before jumping up and pressing the special.

PEWDIEPIE USES -- BONUS MEME. Felix releases a blue and red swirled explosion.

T-SERIES HAS BEEN DEFEATED. PEWDIEPIE WINS.  Opening his eyes Felix's looks around to find the Indians in the stands have been replaced with cheering nine year old's chanting PEWDIEPIE! PEWDIEPIE! until it all fades and Felix is suddenly thrown out of his computer screen back into his chair. That couldn't have been real. He thinks to himself quickly typing up T-Series on you tube only for the message.


T-Series was dead. Pewdiepie is the true king of you tube.


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