one: Eavesdropping

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Be prepare - This story contains strong language, sexual references and adult content throughout.

Frankie's point of view-

"Jason Hayes and girlfriend Natasha Bennett enjoys ninth vacation of the year in sunny Barbados-"

My nose wrinkles in distaste as I toss the magazine into the metal bin at my feet. Ninth vacation? Ridiculous.

"Good morning, Ms Donaldson. Are you here for Mr Hayes, or Mr Donaldson?" I greet the older woman who appears in front of me. Her ruby red lips spread into a wide smile as she removes her black leather gloves and slips them into her designer Gucci bag.

"How many times, Frankie?" She chuckles. "It's Pamela. I'm here for David, is he around?"

"Got to be professional, don't I?" I beam at her. "Give me two minutes and I'll call him - he was in a meeting at eleven, but I'm almost certain he's finished. Do you want a coffee while you wait?"

Pamela shakes her head. "No dear, thank you. Just tell him not too keep his mother waiting, he's treating me for lunch."

I nod and dial in Mr Donaldson's office line number, giving the information across to his assistant. I hear Pamela sigh from the seating area in front of my desk, I lifted my head and peak at what she was reading - the exact same magazine I had buried in the bin along with a banana skin and a stick-man drawing from my lunch hour.

"Sad, isn't it?" She said, flicking through until she found the two page spread. "It's almost like he is completely blind towards her."

I keep my lips shut, biting back my thoughts on the situation although they were ready to spill from the seams. He was my boss - I couldn't jeopardize my position at the only stable job I've ever had by letting my loudmouth run itself.

Especially not too the loving aunt who was more like a second mother to him.

The elevator dinged and the doors opened. "Mother."

Pamela's mood immediately lifted as she sets down the gossip publication and rises to her feet. Her petite frame was engulfed by her son's much taller and much broader physique. My heart warmed.

"There I was thinking you would keep me waiting."

He grinned like a boy at Christmas. "Well Yazmin told me I was under strict instructions not too." He looked over her shoulder at the magazine and he narrowed his eyes at the headlines. "Someone looked happy."

"Someone looked like they didn't have a choice." Pamela mutters, collecting her bag from the floor and positioning it on the crook of her arm just as the reception phone rang.

"Good afternoon, J.D Headquarters, Frankie speaking - how may I help you?"

"Frankie, it's Tim." The breathless doorman hurries, his teeth faintly chattering from the briskly cold October weather. "Listen - you know I never call but there was a delivery of papers down in the front hall for Mr Hayes and Alison has just been sent home sick. Would it be too much to ask for you to come down and get them?"

"I'll be down in a second, let me just get Jenny to cover for me." I tell him, hearing the breath of relief. Everyone knew that once a delivery was brought in, it needed to be shipped to the upper floor for Mr Hayes immediately. Our last delivery man suffered the consequences after delivering papers late to Mr Hayes and risking a important contract. He was fired on the spot.

"Alison sick again?" I hear Mr Donaldson ask as I dial Jenny's office number. She was the accountant from the floor above, but also the back up receptionist for when I took my lunch or bathroom breaks. I nod and he slumps his shoulders. "That's five time in the past two weeks she's went home sick - Jason's already gave her a warning."

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