Chapter 1

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Have you ever felt completely, utterly, extremely lonely?
Just like that feeling when you start to sense your heart is craving to breathe for the last time?
That you don't know how to swim and you are drowning deeper,deeper and deeper till the last ray of sunshine disappears from your vision?

Yes. I'm exactly talking about THAT kind of loneliness.
I suffer from that.
But you know what? This loneliness, being completely aloof from everyone and literally digesting my own feelings and senses to myself, I'm somewhat used to it. I... I like it. This helps me to stay motivated to live my life further.

Sounds crazy,right?

What can I say,some very unfortunate and unexpected events led me here, made my personality like this, transformed a very jolly, fun-loving person to a crazy and weird human being.

Curious? I know. Whenever people ask me why am I so.... consumed within myself and withdrawn, I just throw them a serene smile and say, "Oh it's nothing."

"Ma, please Ma. I can't tolerate it anymore. I can't tolerate him anymore. Let's just leave. We both will try hard and will find some job somewhere. Let's just leave Ma," I sobbed hopelessly.

" Nina, baby, don't worry. I can handle it. I did till today, I can and I will manage it just for you. Just don't lose your spirits baby. Ma is with you. Ma loves you. Ma is doing this only for you."

My mother hugged me tightly. I could feel her hardly controlled tears running down her rosy cheeks, now marred by angry red bruises, which are given by a very sick and dangerous example of a man who calls himself her husband.

My very own FATHER.

And the bruises and wounds didn't just stop by being painted on her cheeks. They're allover her body. I know. I have witnessed father torturing her nights after nights. I have heard her screams of agony. I have seen the bright red, dried spots of blood stains on their bedroom floor the next mornings.

"I'm going to find a job soon Ma. We need to leave this twisted example of a home, otherwise I am going to lose you forever. No matter how hard you try but I can see the light of enthusiasm of staying alive and enduring so much pain is slowly dying inside of you. I can't afford to lose you. I promise you I will very soon snatch you away from the claws of that devil, no matter how hard price I need to pay for it," I secretly promised myself that night.

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