Turtles and Plastic is not A Good Match, Trust Me.

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Wednesday. The day that changed my life. 

         You see, beaches, oceans and seas are my life. Going places and writing in-depth details about that particular place is my passion. I always knew that plastic was  everywhere. You walk on to these beaches and no matter where you are there's trash and it's so confronting. Everywhere you go, you see it. That's the way it is.

         I went everywhere. The whole continent. I've been to multiple places but seeing beaches without plastic, is really rare.

         I was sitting down and playing with the sand at night. Just writing my entry for a contest, when I saw a Leatherback Sea Turtle crawling up the sand. Oh boy, this is rare. Leatherback Sea Turtles are listed as an Endangered Species.

I was watching it closely until I saw something hanging around it's neck.

What is that?

I went closer and closer until I found out what it was.

A plastic bag. 

I noticed that the turtle was chewing the plastic bag.  

What the- Why? The plastic is not a jellyfish, you turtl- Oh. The PLASTIC BAG!!!!

And the next thing I know, I was running to the turtle. Trying to pull the plastic bag away to prevent the turtle from eating it but to no use. The turtle had finished chewing on it. 

Oh, fudge. I can't just wander around and pick up all the rubbish that's l- . Oh, wait. I can.

So, for the next five hours, I picked up tons of plastic water bottles, plastic bags, all of those 'plastic materials' stuff that ever existed in the human realm.

The turtle was long gone after that. I didn't know where it went while I was cleaning up the beach. 


Thursday. The day I found out the turtle was dead.

           I was back at the beach the second I woke up. I was hoping to see the turtle again. I wanted to take a picture of it so that I can win a short-story competition. But I froze at what I saw.

In front of me, there lay a Leatherback Sea Turtle that I saw yesterday.

But this time, dead.

I just saw it yesterday, alive.

What happened here?

Next to it, was an older woman. Around 40 years old.

"Excuse me? May I ask what happened here?" 

" I found it here just now. Just before you came. I wonder what was the cause of it's death." The old woman said.

"It was plastic. Yesterday, I saw it eating a plastic bag. The turtle must have thought that the plastic bag was a jellyfish, I suppose."

"Plastic is everywhere, all of the time, It's in the air, the wind, the water, the soil and we find it in as many places as we look." 

"In general, most of the trash is coming from us," The older woman said.

Yes. plastic is coming from us. I know that now. And I want to prevent pollution coming from us, humans.

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