|8027| My dear, it's time to sleep

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Yamamoto Takeshi rushed upstairs, passing the maids without giving them any bright smile as usual. The girls looked at each other, obviously look confused, since who knew how often they could get to see such a serious expression of the Rain Guardian. However, when the cracks could be heard from the first floor, they understood immediately.

The black-haired man walked through the paintings and statues made of steel, which were shining under the dimmed yellow light of many wall lamps, shadowing the tall figure trying to move faster and faster yet creat no sound. The night was hiding in the air, covering the whole mansion in precious quietness, and Yamamoto really didn't like it to be broken.

Standing in front of the hickory door at the end of the hallway, the Rain breathed out in relief. God, he hadn't waken up yet.

But, whilst his hand was still away from the doorknob, the door was opened violently.

Tsuna appeared with a slovenly look - way different from his tidy, mature-self every day. The dark orange yukata clung together, combined with the I-haven't-brushed-it-yet hairstyles, bet Reborn'd be very glad to arrange a twenty-four hour lesson about how a Vongola Decimo should show himself. Plus the it's-a-ghost face like that, the External supervisor should be overexcited about this.

But it was not the main problem here. The thing was, Tsuna was awaken!

Yamamoto Takeshi wished he had had more curse words to give to the crowd downstairs.

"Y-Yamamoto?" Tsuna asked while panting. No doubt he was panicking. "What...What happened? Were there some glass broken or—

He turned and tended to come down. With the undying belief that the first floor had turned into a battlefield, Yamamoto Takeshi was extremely fast to block the boss's way using his body. Now for the classic brightly-lively smile.

"It's nothing, Tsuna." He said, at the same time pushed the brunette back to his bedroom. The brown boy seemed unwilling to do that, nevertheless, compare the strength and health status of two people, there was nothing he could do. "But..."

"It's just that someone has just broken the vase, no need for you to be worried—"




Busted. And he hadn't even finished his trick.

"There must be something bad! I have to go see it!"

And then Tsuna was wonderfully quick to escape the Rain Guardian. Sure thing, every time it came to his family and friends or something like that, not even the only day off in the year could get into his mind.

But Yamamoto did.

Tsuna was only one step away from the door before the heavy feelings possessed his body, eyelids crumbled, covering his vision in black. It wasn't more than few seconds until the brunette collapsed, unconscious. His body fell into the wide arm of the man behind.

The slow breaths of Tsuna resounded slightly in the dark room. Yamamoto carefully released more Rain flames, since he didn't want the brunette to be waken up more than one time a night. And the mess downstairs wouldn't end soon as he wished.

Two or three minutes had passed, only after making sure that the other had fallen deep in sleep (unwillingly), the black-haired man gently picked up the brunette up - in bridal style - and brought to bed. He even didn't forget to cover Tsuna's body way up to the chin with the soft blanket.

Carefully kissed him in the eyes, the Rain whispered indulgently. "Sweet dreams, Tsuna."

The brunette was absolutely unaware. His relaxed face was softly moving with every breaths. How peacefully. Yamamoto grinned with self-satisfaction written all over his face. He could say it with confidence that he himself was the only one who could bring this kid a little peace of pure calmness.

About that bunch of people, well, an anesthetic should do. Tsuna would decide the punishment tomorrow, of course, after having a good night. 

The Rain leaned back on his Sky's chair, watching the little boss sleeping, also took note for himself not to let the brunette wake up before 8 a.m.


Yours, respectfully Shiroku Yonemuri
Also, A nameless Dreamer calling itself the White Cheshire

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