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I do not own this story or the anime. This story hasn't been updated since November of 2010.
Black Order headquarters, 1900 hours, Allen Walker roamed the halls alone. He was so tired but he couldn't sleep, his curse throbbed every time he closed his eyes. It wasn't the normal throb either, the normal throb was slow, steady, painful, angry, it seemed to say "how dare you sleep when there are akuma to save!". this throb was fast, frantic, warning, and Allen couldn't help but feel that it was Mana telling him to beware. It was giving him a terrible headache.

Usually he would go to see Lavi or Lenalee but both were out on assignment. Even Kanda had been deployed. In fact it seemed that Allen was the only exorcist left at headquarters. Maybe Allen would go find Johnny and play chess.

Allen had just turned to go back down the stairs when an excited Johnny Gill came running up the stairs toward him.

"Allen you need to go see chief Komui!" Johnny cried grabbing Allen's arm and rushing back down the stairs, "It's an emergency!"

"What's wrong? What kind of emergency?" Allen asked, jogging behind the young scientist as he hurried to the director's office. Johnny opened the door and pushed Allen inside. Inside the office, most of the science department was crowded around something on Komui's desk. Komui was sitting on his couch with a hand over his eyes. He stood up and walked over to Allen with a grave look on his face.

"Allen," he said in an exhausted voice, "as you know, many finders have been going missing as of late. I sent Lenalee and Lavi to go check it out but we lost communication with them a week ago." Allen stared in shock at the news.

"Why wasn't I told about this?!" he asked angrily.

"We weren't sure what the problem was at first," Komui said, trying to calm the young exorcist, "we thought their golem was broken because all we got was static. So we sent Kanda with a new golem as backup. We lost contact with him yesterday. Then this morning this was sent to headquarters." he stepped aside so Allen Could get a clear view of the desk.

On the desk, trapped in a finder's shield, was a tease butterfly. It was fluttering about as if didn't have a care in the world. Timcanpy, who had been resting on Allen's head, hissed at it angrily.

"Komui," Allen asked uncertainly, "where did this come from?"

"It was found fluttering outside the main entrance this morning. What's more disturbing is the message it's carrying."

"What message?" Allen asked anxiously. The tease stopped in the middle of the shield and a beam of light appeared from it. A screen crackled from the light, showing the grinning face of the Millennium Earl.

"Hello there Black Order," the Earl said, smiling that feral smile of his, "I'm sure that you have noticed a few of your finders and even a couple of your precious exorcists have gone missing. I'm happy to inform you that I have found them."

The view panned over to show a group of finders bound and gagged in a circle. It also showed the forms of Lavi, Lenalee, and Kanda chained and hanging by their wrists, their anti-akuma weapons lying useless on a table across the room, guarded by akuma. Allen gaped at the sight.

"I'm sure you want them back and I am glad to say that I am willing to negotiate for their lives." the Earl continued, in a sickeningly sweet voice, "Under a few conditions of course. The negotiations will take place on neutral territory, at the Restarante de Sol, in Toledo, Spain at 9:30 tonight. You can't just send anyone to the negotiation either, we will only accept a meeting with Allen Walker. I'm sure you must be thinking that you will be able to save them without negotiating but let me tell you right now that if Allen Walker is not at that meeting on time, then every hostage will die! Well tootles for now, I look forward to seeing you Allen-kun!" The Earl's message faded out as the message ended.

"I'm sorry Allen," Komui said gravely, "We have been working on it all day but we can't come up with a decant escape for the hostages. You'll have to comply to the Earl's wishes and got to this negotiation. I promise to stay in contact the whole time through your ear piece. We only have 15 minutes until the dead line so please get going."

"Yes sir." Allen said solemnly, hanging his head so that his hair hid his eyes. His body grew tense for a moment before relaxing and a stream of diamonds rose out of the floor. Allen stepped up to it and turned to face the science department.

"I know where the earl is talking about," Allen said quietly, "Master took me there when we were in Spain. I promise to make sure they all get home safe and sound." Then he turned and walked into his ark. Komui watched him go with the awful sensation that it was last time any of them would see their dear Allen Walker again.

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