Chapter 1

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      I have ten days left in here just to be free I have been craving some cheeseburgers and maybe a soda I forgot how they tasted. I mean if I had the choice I would definitely order some uber eats in here. I'm sitting here in a nice comfortable chair blankets wrapped around me like three blankets. It's really cold in here they have the AC on like crazy and there is a movie playing on the tv.

The nurse calls my name " Carson Dallas it's time for your dosage you have three pills to take" .

I asked "Can I have a sandwich at least another one"

She looked away and didn't respond back to me I did get annoyed a little but it's okay if I keep my head down I can probably get out of here faster.

       I took my dosage and fell right asleep on the chair I woke up around twenty five minutes later to go back to my bunk. In my head I kept praying which I always do every night I go to bed just to have some control in life. I remember my mother always told me to not lose faith in god which I always knew god did have my back. It sucks though that she is not around anymore it's like when you lose parents and your already in your late twenties you feel alone in the world. I mean that's how I feel it's like the security of having parents is not there anymore.

      My bunk mate is on the top bunk and he falls asleep quick I know for a fact we are all in here for something we did or said. I just hate how we are forced pills down to suppress what is going on with us when in reality we need someone to talk to. Or maybe that my other side of the brain is talking again telling myself I'm not worth anything in life. It feels like I been here longer though like I don't remember how I got here at all.

      As I'm laying in bed it started to happen again I started to hear people screaming in my ears they sound like they are in pain. I don't understand why they are in pain but I know this isn't real but it begins to be real still. My body becomes paralyzed on the bed I don't see anything but I can hear what is going on around me. It's like my eyes are closed but I can see right through my eye lids.

        Then I can see the ceiling it begins to crack open and there is fire coming out of it I don't feel the heat though so it can't be real. Still I tell myself this isn't real this is all in my head. The walls began to crack with lava pouring out the sides. I begin to see that the lava is raising in my room. I feel like in my head that I am falling into hell. I started to pray in my head and I can feel tears coming down my face.

          My heart starts to beat rapidly and this time it sounds like someone is knocking on the walls now I know this is real to me. This isn't fake this is real there is a black shadow like creature moving slowly from the ceiling and coming to my bunk mates bed it begins to suck some energy out of him. It's like I can see things that are not there but it is there right now in front of me. I can't move still but once this shadow comes to me slowly it begins to suck my energy out of me I begin to feel weak and now I start sweating.

          Then I woke up screaming and my heart beating like crazy I got up and jump out the bed screaming I felt like I popped back into my body. The nurse comes in with one of the security guards and asked me how I am doing.

I told her " I feel weak right now I don't know I think it was a nightmare I had"

She said " Its okay we are monitoring you right now. I'm going to have one of the nurses check your blood pressure just to see what is going on. "

I said "Alright I'm just having a nightmare maybe because I ate something before bed but I'm alright to be honest."

"Carson it's okay we have to monitor you that's why we are here we do not want any danger to happen to you okay."

I nodded my head I felt like I could trust them right now I know I'm having an episode but Part of me begins to sink in to the thought that this was real.

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