That's All That Matters

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Today is our last day in California before we head back to the cold weather where we live. Our flight leaves tonight, and I hate that because I didn't want to leave.

I could move out here. It's probably too hot in the summer though. Also, too many people.

Christian and I were currently driving to our next destination. He wouldn't tell me where we were going, he just kept keeping secrets. I liked it though. Not like I know where I am anyway.

He pulls the car over and we get out at a white building. I smile up at him, "Where are we?"

"You'll see," he pauses, leads me inside, and says, "This was my mom's favorite place when she was a kid. I nod understanding and still wondering where we could be. We walked to the double doors that were closed and Christian slowly opened them.

My mouth dropped at the sight.

Thousands of paintings were strung across the walls. I immediately walk towards the most appealing one, which was straight down the hallway and filled up the entire wall. "it's gorgeous," I tell him.

He places a hand on my shoulder, "Not as gorgeous as you."

I laugh, "you should paint something like this. I know you like realistic stuff."

"I would rather just draw you." He tells me as his arms wrap around me.

I lean into him, "Fine, I guess I'll have to draw it then."

We wander around the museum looking at the endless number of paintings. "Christian," I say to get his attention while he stares deeply at a mesmerizing piece.

He takes a second before he looks up at me, "Yes?"

I walk up to him, "Thank you for bringing me here. I love museums." I truly did. Was it because I liked art? Was it because I praised the artists who were able to make incredible art to be shown to the world? Probably both.

"Anything for you baby."

We wandered around the museum for two more hours before we decided to leave and just take a walk around the town.

"I'm still thinking about last night," I tell Christian as we walk on the Santa Monica Pier.

He looks down at me curiously, "What about last night? The sex? I'm still replaying that too."

I cut him off, "Okay no you horny boy, why Olivia was trying to get you to fuck her."

"Why do you wish it was you?" He jokes.

I hit him softly, "You know what I mean! Why would a billionaire try to no offense, but hook up with you?"

He gasps and puts his hand on his chest, "Ouch. Maybe she sees a future with me."

I pull his hand to make him stop to a halt. He looks down at me and smirks, "The only future you're having with someone is with me."

"And why's that?" He asks as his smirk slowly starts to become a soft smile.

"Because nothing could change the way I feel about you. I want to be with you forever."

"Would it be weird to say I already have a wedding venue picked out?" He asks as he brushes his thumb across my cheek. I lean into him as we stare at another art piece, but I'm really imagining a painting of us at our wedding.

We headed back to the house after a little while to pack up our last things so we could head to the airport. We say our goodbyes to his family, and I make sure to tell them I will be back soon. Because I'll be coming with or without Christian. This place is too beautiful to not come back to.

Like Miley Cyrus said, "In Malibu...Next to you."

We finally saw Clayton walk through the door thirty minutes before we were supposed to leave. He looked different. Happy. He sauntered up to us with a smile on his face, "Hello guys."

Christian stares him down, "Who'd you fuck?"

Clayton laughs, "You know that Olivia chick, right? Well, she hit me up last night wanting me to come over and we fucked probably everywhere in that house."

I turn to look at Christian, "figures." He laughs but Clayton looks confused, "what do you mean?"

"She was texting me all last night asking me to come over," Christian tells him.

Clayton furrows his eyebrows before shrugging, "Well anyways, thanks, bro. You missed a good fuck."

Christian flashes a fake smile at him before turning back to me, "You're the best I've ever had and I'm not trying to be genuine," he whispers in my ear. I smile but deep down it hurts.

I had never asked how many girls he's slept with. Did I even want to know?

"What's wrong? What did I say wrong, shit." He begins to apologize.

I grab his hand to get him to stop pacing, "it's fine. But out of curiosity, how many girls have you slept with?"

He doesn't look shocked that I asked. "Well, I don't count how many I've slept with but it's not many. Hang on let me think." He begins to mumble girl's names and count them on his fingers. He held up seven before turning to me, "Seven."

At least his body count wasn't above ten. "Two," I tell him.

"Was Ryder your first?" He asks curiously as he plays with the ends of my hair.

I nod, "who was your first?"

"Um," he pauses for a moment, "Valerie," he pauses for another moment, "after she passed, I tried to fill my void with women. That was until I moved here and met you though."

I smile at him, "I did make you wait long enough."

He laughs, "If I was going to be honest, I thought you were going to be a Virgin because you were waiting so long, but honestly it was so worth it. You ride me like a-"

"Woah, calm down Jesus Christ," Clayton says as he rounds the corner with his suitcase.

Christian rolls his eyes as I think of another question to ask him, "Christian, how come I've never met any of your friends?"

"That's because he doesn't have any," Clayton says.

"Shut the fuck up before I kick your ass again," Christian snarls before answering himself, "Well I had friends, but they're no good. Backstabbing little shits. Another reason why we came to Aspen."

I nod, "I feel the same way. It's like you just can't trust anyone anymore."

"Well, do you trust me?" Christian asks.

"Yes, I trust you."

He places a piece of hair behind my ear, "Well then, that's all that matters."

"Hate to break up your moment, but if we don't leave now, we won't make our flight." I snap out of whatever trance I was in and grab my suitcase to be placed in the car so we could get to the airport to go back to our cold little town.

I did miss home though. But it's like wherever Christian was, he was my home.

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