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October 12, 2016

"So," Steph had started, "You and Matt's huh?"

I quirked a brow, confused as to what she meant. 5 minutes into Auston's first game as a Leaf and I was already getting probed by girlfriends. Nice.

"What do you mean?" I glanced at her nonchalantly, but my heart rate picked up, and it didn't help that I was trying to listen and watch Auston at the same time.

Steph was nice enough. I met her before the season started, which was good because I felt a little less alone after having moved to Toronto right out of highschool. She was easy to get along with, and was always a hoot when we went out, but we had been friends for a few months at this point. And she had never mentioned anything like this before.

"You guys are the cutest couple! Give me all the details!! I didn't want to be too forward before, but I feel like I know you a little better now and can ask these things."

"Oh uh, we're not dating?" I said awkwardly, shrugging as I turned back towards the ice.

It was nice to know she felt comfortable enough around me to be able to ask anything though.

"You're not? Mitch swore to me up and down that you guys were a thing. I mean from the looks of it you're super close."

I sighed, "He's my best friend. We do everything together, we've practically been glued at the hip since kindergarten."

"But, you like, moved to Toronto with him? I don't know about you but that screams girlfriend to me."

Why couldn't two friends move to a new city together?

"So no double dates?" She joked when I didn't respond to her line of questioning and I laughed.

But I didn't really want to explain why I ended up there or why we aren't a couple or why we look like one. Especially with Ema Matthews a few rows in front of me in the box. Thankfully I didn't have to, because Auston scored his 1st NHL goal.

"OH MY GOD GO MATTS!!" I was ecstatic, grabbing onto Steph as we both cheered for the boy I would do anything for.

Soon enough Auston had scored again and I was jumping up and down in my seat. After my conversation with Steph, I deemed it best to sit with Ema instead, just so we could gush about her son together.

"(Y/N) you don't know how glad I am that you're in Toronto with him. As a mother I don't think I'm ever at peace after leaving him in another place, let alone country. It's not the same as being there myself, but I can rest easy knowing you guys have each other to fall back on."

I smiled, grateful to the woman who became a second mother to me long ago, "my mom says the same thing. She freaks out when I drive down the street at home. I was a little nervous at first, but now that we've been there for a while it's getting easier. I'm just glad you're here. I know you wouldn't miss this for the world, but I'm glad to have a little taste of home... and I'm thankful that you let me tag along."

"Oh honey are you kidding? Thank you but, you're not just tagging along. You're like one of my own, and if you weren't here I think my son would spontaneously combust. You're more important to him than he lets on." I blushed at the sincerity of her words.

I soon realized the second period was slowly ticking away and Morgan had the puck. He sent a pass to Auston, and Ema and I clasped hands, fingers interlocking tightly.

He already had two goals but a hat trick? That would be amazing.

We jumped out of our seats as he buried the puck easily, hats falling onto the ice from Leafs fans who had made the trip to Ottawa. Ema hugged me tight and we both freaked out a little.

I excused myself to go to the bathroom but when I came back there was only a minute left on the clock. I quickly sat down in my seat next to Ema, heart racing from what felt like adrenaline. I honestly couldn't believe the sight before my eyes. I was already so proud of him.

And as he netted the fourth goal with 3 seconds left in the second I lost it. Ema was on the verge of tears as the Jumbotron zoomed in on her.

I tried to stay out of the way, but she grabbed me tightly, the shock of it all was too much, and I could see Auston looking up at the screen with a smile on his face.

I couldn't help but smile too.


Auston's POV

"Auston!" Mitch called as I headed out of the locker room. Even though we lost in over time, I felt like I was on cloud 9, and I was so excited that my mom and (Y/N) were here to witness a night like this.

Mitch caught up to me easily. "Congrats buddy, that was... intense." He clapped me on the back and I just laughed, gearing up for interviews in what was going to be chaos.

"Thanks man." I couldn't stop smiling.

After the interviews I headed out in my street clothes, and I was blind sided by someone running up and hugging me. I looked down to see my mom, pride swelling in her eyes as she gripped me tightly.

"I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks mom."

"I'm going to let you two have a moment." She smiled secretively and I rolled my eyes as she walked away. But the moment they landed on (Y/N) in my jersey, beaming like the Arizona sun? I was a mess inside.

She was smiling as she ran up to me, and all I could do was hold my arms out for her. She jumped, wrapping herself around me easily and I buried my face into her neck, holding on tight. My heart was on fire.

"You're one hell of a player Auston. I'm so proud of you." I held on a little tighter, not willing to let her see the blush that spread over my cheeks. "Can't wait to see all that talent back in Toronto." I set her down gently.

"Thanks (Y/N). And thank you for being here, I needed you tonight. I need you every night. You're my good luck charm." Every game she's been to of mine I always seem to turn it up a notch.

She stepped back, but her eyes didn't leave mine, "Who said anything about a good luck charm? As far as I'm concerned you make your own luck."

Her confidence in me made me yearn for more out of the next game, and it made me realize just how far along in the ride she had come. She was always there. Since day one. And she wasn't leaving anytime soon.

Her hand tugged on mine, "C'mon, we're meeting your mom for dinner."

"I'm only going because I'm being dragged." I smartassed, and she scoffed.

"You're going because Mama Matt's would have your head on a stick if you didn't."


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