Part 1

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It is unlikely Klaus had never considered their existence. He was over a thousand now, and the universe just kept coming up with new things to throw his way. However, he cannot say an envelope literally falling into his lap, as though from thin air, does not phase him. He thinks it might be a spell that had brought it to him, but no smell of smoke lingered in the air, and he had heard the delicate tinkles of bells. He scans the air but sees nothing. Shrugging, he looks towards his lap where the envelope lays face up.

Niklaus Mikaelson, The Original Hybrid and King of New Orleans , it reads in a soft, silver calligraphy, the title much to his satisfaction. The print stands bold against the envelope that refuses to stay a single color, flowing from pastel pink to blue to colors he cannot even begin to describe. He picks it up, and when he touches it a wonderful tingling sensation flows through his fingers. Flipping it over, he sees the seal is completely flat, and he first believes it to be made of a gold wax. The emblem flashes for a moment, and he sees a pair of butterfly wings of every color he had ever painted in. Upon further inspection, when he holds the seal to his eyes the gold turns transparent and displays a tiny world within, with grass, a few trees, and a figure eating what appears to be an apple while it lounges in a hammock. Suddenly, it notices him, or at least the blue eye held to the small window. It bursts from the hammock, arms spread, and blue wings extend slowly from its delicate body. A blinding flash sends Klaus reeling, and when he can see out of both eyes again, the seal has become a much duller form of gold, no longer holding the envelope closed. Klaus then realizes the seal is real gold.

He is intrigued, to say the least.

When he pushes up the already slightly lifted flap, he pulls out a simple cream cardstock invitation, printed in the same handwriting, but with simple silver ink;

Her Highness, Queen Caroline of The Fairfolk

requests the honour of your presence at the celebration of her coronation

At sunset on March twenty-fourth, you will find the entrance to the land of the Fae at 30° 0′ 6″ N, 90° 5′ 34″ W

There you will receive further instruction. The royal court looks forward to spending a night of dancing, food, and celebration in your midst.


Two days later Klaus enters his closet to find a large box resting on the bench in the center. He circles around it once with interest, intrigue still alive inside of him from the invitation. The box changes colors the same way the envelope had, and when klaus tugs on the ribbon it comes undone and falls to the side almost instantly. He pulls off the top layer of cardboard, and it leaves the familiar, pleasant tingling on his fingertips. He picks up a card laid on top of regular lavender tissue paper. Different handwriting in the same silver ink reads;

Save me a dance,


He raises a brow, wondering what he'd done to gain the attention of this so called faerie queen.

He was suspicious, of course. He had never heard anything about fairies being truly real in his thousand years. This could very well be the lure for a trap. Even if the fairies were real, according to the lore he has spent two days absorbing, eating the food advertised on the invitation would mean this 'Caroline' could keep him in the realm of the fae for however long she pleased. He wonders if refusing any would be considered rude, and decides he does not care. He sets the card down gingerly on the seat cushion behind the box, moving on to the actual contents. He pulls back the tissue paper so it folds over the sides of the box, revealing a black suit jacket, folded so the lapels were showing. He picks it up fingers tingling in a sign of faerie magic. He registers a pair of pants, a button up shirt, and a bowtie, but remains focused on the jacket.

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