Toles of Topistol: Newcomers

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We start off Jordan, Liam, and Mr Toles sitting around a campfire, Jordan sharpening her sword, Liam playing his flute as the fire crackles, their dad cooking some fresh beans and meat for them.

Mr Toles: Ah, this is relaxing! You see, not every day needs to be about fighting monsters, guys. We can relax and be together! Now I know you don't want that Jordan, but I'm sure you'll end up loving it soon enough.

Liam stops playing his flute.

Liam: *sighs* Yeah, I kinda like it. No craziness, no worrying, and no buttheads trying to kick our butts.

Liam goes back to playing his flute under the crackling fire, Jordan stops sharpening for a second.

Jordan: I'm not used to this, I feel like something is going to happen and I need to kick butt. Also don't worry lil bro, I'll kick butts before someone kicks yours.

Mr Toles: Jordy you need to learn to just relax for a second, it won't hurt to!

Jordan: I know, I'm just used to it. Maybe I got it from my mom?

Mr Toles: Oh are you saying your dad isn't the fighting type? Hahah-

fire crackles a bit too loudly and Mr Toles flinches and jumps back, arming himself with a pan.

Jordan: Dad.

Mr Toles: Yeah... Maybe you did get it from her. Well anyways, now, your food is ready! We shall dine like kings tonight!

Liam and Jordan: Woo!

A farmer runs out in front of the campfire and screams,holding his arms and hands above his head, running around the fireplace. As he is screaming, Jordan grabs her sword and Mr. Toles tries to stop him by running around the campfire after him

Liam: Ah, Whos this? What's going on? Why are you running around the campfire? Why are you chasing him around the campfire? Dad that doesn't seem very reasonable to do when chasing someone!

Jordan focuses on the guy running, and puts the end of her sword onto the ground as he is running by her then to trip him up and he falls into the foldable chairs. She picks up her sword from the ground and she points the sword at him.

Jordan: Stop being obnoxious and tell us what is going on!

The farmer gulps and stammers a bit, as Mr. Toles tries to sneak a bite of food and Liam stands with his sister.

Farmer: T-there are Monsters! Monsters I tell you!


Mr Toles: Awh but... I'm hungry.

Liam: Where are these Monsters?

Farmer: I make annual deliveries... In the northern kingdom-

She lowers her sword and looks at Liam.

Jordan: Princess Aurora runs that kingdom... What were they?

Farmer: Well maybe if you'd not Interrupt me, Lady.

Liam: I wouldn't be sassy to a girl who has a sword pointed at you who is bored and wants to fight someone.

Farmer: Meditation works if you're bored.


Farmer: *yelps* Okay! I went up there and there were... C-CYCLOPS! They were at the front and they were commanding some villagers to build new buildings or houses maybe, I'm sure to cook all those villagers, and they saw me at the gate and started to RUN AT ME! I left my cart there and I ran as fast as I could, then I ran into you guys... wait... are you guys the Toles?

Toles Of Topistol: NewcomersWhere stories live. Discover now