Traces of Delilah

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E p i g r a p h

Sometimes, it's not only the bad memories that make us sad but also the happy ones which we know will never happen again.


B l u r b

After moving to Connecticut to room with her best friend for the summer, Chastity Blake doesn't know what to think of the charm bracelet she finds, caught under the floorboards in her new bedroom; with the initials D.K. engraved into it.

But ignoring the bracelet's origins isn't an option when she begins to live out strange scenarios as a young woman named Delilah. And when these scenarios start cutting too close to reality, she can't help but suspect they're memories. She quickly realizes though they're not her memories.

They're Delilah Kim's memories -- a girl who was believed to have committed her family's murder, then suicide. But her memories tell a different story other than what everyone else in town seems to know. And it's up to Chastity to place the missing pieces of the puzzle together.


A u t h o r ' s N o t e

Now that I've finished Mary's Bones, I'm absolutely excited to bring this new suspense thriller to the table. It's the first time I'm dabbling with a memory concept and I can't wait to see what you guys think of it! There will be various themes mentioned such as bullying, abuse, toxic relationships, etc. that may be triggering to some readers. 

There will also be mild sexual descriptions throughout the book. Keep in mind this is just a rough draft and the book is currently being heavily rewritten! Constructive criticism is always welcome, all I ask is that you do not be rude. Lastly, thank you for checking out Traces of Delilah! I'd love to hear feedback, otherwise that, I hope you enjoy!


Info for Spotify Playlist:

I've put together a playlist that you can find on Spotify under the same name as the book! If you want to check it out either before or after you read, you can easily access it! The name you should see is the same as my Wattpad user on here; Loutka.

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