Chapter four

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These pictures are some random things on my phone that I feel like sharing. Some are encouraging, others are just for fun.

And I'm trying to get more followers :)

Don't hesitate to follow
~black wicked


"You don't have to knock the door, you can just enter you know."

"Yeah, but I'm used to that. Next time I'll try not knocking."

I walked slowly towards Xander waiting to see his reaction. For a while we have been having problems so I wanted to see if we can resolve them.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" His stare was a bit uncomfortable. We had only known each other for a while.


"Like I'm some bunny that you want to pounce on."

"I do want to pounce on you, that's for sure. But more than the predator."

I just looked at him trying to keep my thoughts away from his elaborative and suggestive words.

"I want to stay for a while, I'm not feeling well. I heard that a mate's presence can ease the pain."

"It's a mate's touch, Stacey. My touch to be precise."

"Okay I'll just stay here on the couch as you work."

"I won't be able to work now that you are here."

I've never really understood what he does in his office all the time. Turns out to be he is that signing papers, organising meetings and fights between allies and rivals. I always thought that my dad who was an alpha was just stalling not to spend time with us. Seems like he had a lot on his plate all the time.

"You know if you continue looking at me like that, I will kiss you till you drop."

I don't know why that made me blush like crazy, and honestly I did want him to kiss me. I liked his lips, they always looked perfect, quite kissable and gentle the moment they touched mine.

Making myself comfy on the couch I just lay there waiting for this unusual headache to go. The couch was close to Xander's desk so I hoped this worked.

I heard his movements, like he was leaving his desk but didn't want me to know. He was slow and quiet. He walked towards me and looked at me with a bit of emotion. I don't know but he looked like he cared that I was not okay.

"What's wrong?"

"My head, it's aching so I wanted to be near you."

"So you didn't come to see me. I'm hurt."

"Don't act dramatic, it's like the only favour I'm asking of you."

He sat on the couch making sure that I was hyper aware of his presence.

"Come." He beckoned me to move closer to him and I did just that.

He lifted me and placed me on his laps.

"There now you can feel my presence and touch."

I just stayed there my head on his shoulder enjoying the feel of his body close to mine. The headache was already subsiding.

"I wonder when you will become comfortable close to me. When you don't have to ask permission to get close to me."

"I didn't ask for permission Xander. I just came to you because of my head. If not that I would be in my room as per your wish."

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