the Hybrids

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Logen plunged through the streets, slipping and sliding all over the broken, slush covered concrete.
Vines entangled through the very essence of the streets made it hard to travel through it without losing your balance, his breath raspened as blood thumped to his head.
Moonlight fell across the entire city, like a black marker across a piece of paper.
The hybrids howled like wolves, as a pack of them chased for Logen. Their jagged fangs ripped through the air creating whistles each time they moved. Claws that would make your face go from normal to Mason Verger from Hannibal in seconds.
A long, hairy torso with overgrown grey hair all around it, fitting for its bony but toned legs. Its feet gripped on the streets like super glue to velvet fabric. Logen ran as far as he could, as fast as he could, but his legs gave out to exhaustion. He slipped and landed on his knees. 
He tried to get back up but his legs were dead and the huge gash on his right eye made it even worse along with the massive cut ranging from his knee all the way to the end of his thigh. He thought he glimpsed a small boy covered in white clothing from the corner of his eye, but made nothing of it as who would come help him when he was about to be mauled and eaten by 12ft btec versions of werewolves..The hybrids gained speed, as they saw him on his knees. They howled, their maws let out drool, like sweat from a pe gym room, and their bloodlust could not be contained anymore. "If only I could turn back time, all this would be different." he said and waited for them to come. Logen waited and waited but they never came. A blinding golden light shone over all his wounds and felt a breeze on his lap and fell.

the HybridsWhere stories live. Discover now