Chapter 1: Hired able body

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*I'm kinda already unsure of making this cause it prolly won't be that popular but screw it I'm gonna own this shit.*

"More sail! All sail! Mr.(L/n), prepare the mooring line!" A posh feminine british voice shouted out to a man who was currently trying to climb the main mast to attempt to help with the sails.

(Y/n) groaned in annoyance, why did the Captain make him do EVERYTHING! 

"Aye SIR." (Y/n) mumbled out to himself.

"What was that Mr.(L/n)?" The same voice asked knowing full well what he said.

"Nothing Ma'am." (Y/n) growled out.

"That's What I thought. Now if you would please, prepare. that. mooring line." 

"Yes Captain Amelia Ma'am."

(Y/n) ignored the snickers and laughter he heard from the other crew. 

"How did I even end up on this rotten tub?" (Y/n) grumbled as he began tying a bowline.


(Y/n) was hired by Dr. Doppler alongside other crewmen and in fact was the only human sailor hired amongst this crew, so of course, it left him feeling alone.

Today was the day they docked at their destination to wait for the good doctor and his associate or so that's what the 'great' Captain Amelia had stated to the crew which was relayed by Mr. Arrow to the crew.

Back to present...

(Y/n) did as instructed humming a old sailor tune to himself as he worked tying a bowline getting it ready for the Ship berth.

"Haul on the bowline, Kitty is my darlin' Haul on the bowline, the bowline haul."  (Y/n) sang to himself.

"Who is your darling Mr.(L/n)?" Captain Amelia asked making him jolt.

"Gah! What the Fu-" (Y/n) exclaimed

"Language please, Mr.(L/n). Now about my question."

"It's a shanty Ma'am. A very old one from before any of our times, the only reason I know it is because it was sang throughout generations of my family, we we're all sailors."

Captain Amelia leaned in and looked him up and down with blue feline eyes before standing straight again.

"Hm, Interesting, most interesting indeed. Now, if you will excuse me I must continue my inspection and you must get back to work correct?" Captain Amelia said Turning around with hands behind her back like a prim and proper person of authority.

Then, she walked off humming the tune softly.

(Y/n) watched in bewilderment.

"A-aye Ma'am."

(Y/n) didn't think much of it, he has seen stranger things and people in this life And some strange cat lady hybrid captain of this ship wasn't going to be the greatest, that for sure. So he focused on his objective: Sail the Ship and make it back alive.

When the RLS Legacy reached spaceport the crew mulled about absentmindedly some unloaded cargo into the docks some walked along to stretch their legs and a few (such as (Y/n) ) went to find a tavern.

Even if Captain Amelia instructed him not to do so. 

Amelia stood in the crow's nest watching intently as (Y/n) slinked off into the crowd irritation deep in her annoyed scowl. They still waited for the pair of people they needed in order to get this voyage started.

 She had not been in the greatest moods here as of late, with the undesirable crew members the Doctor hired and the total lack of anyone of a civilized nature (minus Mr. Arrow) it really tested her patience.

Captain Amelia x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now