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The rain had turned the canal water into a turbulent frenzy

The current tugged at me as I swam, my strokes driven by a desperate need to put distance between the guy after me and myself. I could hear his movements behind me, the splashes growing louder as he closed the gap making my heart almost jump out of my throat. He lunged towards me, his fingers reached out, and for a heart-stopping moment, it seemed like he might succeed. His grip closed around the fabric of my torn clothes, and a surge of panic shot through me.

The rain battered against my face, mingling with the canal water, and my hair clung to my skin like a wet shroud. My lungs burned as I struggled and twisted my body to move away in the water. The momentum of the canal propelled me away from him while also drowning me and it was a struggle to stay afloat and get away as well.

I pushed myself to the brink to get away from him but he moved to grab me again. Inside the water, where it felt like there was another storm, I felt something sharp get entangled with my hair, and my head got pulled back.

The sharp jolt that pulled me backward caused me to open my mouth and all the air got released out of my lungs



I began to panic and flailed my arms and legs to get to the surface. My eyes were focused on the surface and I swam up, not realizing that whatever was pulling my hair was gone and I broke the water surface, gasping for air.

The canal water was out of control and it kept drifting my body away.

I let out deep breaths as I struggled to keep myself afloat while the waves moved me away. I kept thinking I would drown because I was at my limit, I was constantly being thrown underwater and I didn't even realize where the other party was.

It wasn't until I was thrown near the edge did I look around and noticed I was alone in the water.


I gasped as I looked around while the rain blurred my vision.

Where did Matthew go?! I wiped my face with my hands to clear my vision a little, then shot my head around as I kept my legs and arms moving in the water but I couldn't find him.

My eyes were wide open the whole time and once I made sure by looking around that I couldn't see him anywhere I relaxed a little.


I turned my head towards the edge.


I need to get out of here before I actually drown. My fingers gripped the stone ledge as I pulled myself out of the water, my clothes heavy and clinging to my skin. As I scrambled to my feet, a mixture of fear and anxiety coursed through me and I threw myself on the dry land, feeling myself get heavy for a moment, then get lighter.

"Oh My God..." I whispered as I found myself unable to move, "Oh My God..." I gulped and then licked my lips, "Oh My God..."

I thought I was done for. I thought I was a goner. First at the club, then during the chase, on the stairs, and finally I was sure I'd be dead in the water, if not caught my Matthew.

I lay face up on the grass on the sides of the canal as I stared directly at the clouds pouring rain.

GOD... How did I survive this?! How...? I was sure I was dead today... I reached out my fingers towards my neck as I recalled how Zhou-Lin had tried to choke.

I thought it was my last day today...

The rain kept coming down and I turned my head to look at the water again out of anxiety but didn't see anyone, just the water waves dancing, which temporarily made me relax, close my eyes, and take a deep breath.

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