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Jealousy and hurt churned within me, creating a storm of conflicting emotions. I felt like an intruder in my own life, a witness to a painful truth that I had never wanted to confront. The weight of their actions, the intimacy they shared, was a crushing burden that threatened to suffocate me.

But beneath the turmoil of emotions, there was a profound sense of loss. It was as if a piece of me had been torn away, leaving behind an emptiness that seemed impossible to fill. The love and trust I had invested in our relationship was shattering, leaving me adrift in a sea of heartache.

I wanted to confront them, but I remained hidden, paralyzed by the rawness of my emotions. The fear of facing the truth head-on, of hearing their justifications or excuses was daunting.

Tears welled in my eyes, and then silently slipped down my cheeks as a part of me scorned me, telling me this was all my fault. But why was this my fault? Because I'm not normal?

Is this why this is happening to me?

How many times am I supposed to overlook this? I chose to believe him before too. I knew he was lying to my face when he said it was a drunken mistake but I wanted to believe him. So I let my mind deceive me, I told myself it won't happen again...

Is this why he sent me so far away? To another city? So he could cheat behind my back?


Cheat... I wonder if he actually thought we were together...

I turned away, retreating into the darkness.


Nolan frowned as he looked at the door, "Get up for a moment," I got off of him and he stood up to walk to the door.

"What's wrong?"

"I felt like we were being watched." He grabbed the doorknob and opened the door to look outside while I sat down on the desk, "Well?" I folded my arms and he looked back inside.

"Nothing..." He closed the door properly, "But I was sure..." He let out a small sigh while my phone started ringing.

"Oh," I rolled my eyes, "They're calling me again,"

"Who?" He walked back to me

"I got this call from some suspicious people who were asking about me and if I had been to a party at Lux in City A." I stared at the phone screen, "I'm guessing Clio went in disguise but why would he choose my name?"

He paused at my words, "Did he go disguised as a woman?" I let out a chuckle

"I was thinking the exact same thing." I rolled my eyes, "Considering how delicate his features are, he would have passed as a woman too."

Nolan frowned at my words even though I was expecting him to laugh with me, "What did you tell them?" He seemed serious.

"I said someone might have stolen my name and I'm not aware of it."

"Good," He praised me, "Make sure you keep Clio out of trouble." He came back and sat down on the chair.

"You're always doting on that kid." I found it suspicious.

"He's very important to me." He opened his arms to take me, "Come here now, you don't need to worry about it."



His slap didn't hurt, not at all, well, not physically. But, it was a blow to my feelings.

A lover? It's not a woman... He mentioned a male.


That's the name he said while he was half asleep and sick.

Who's Nolan? I feel like I've heard that name before. I thought about it as I sent a text to the detective who I asked for a favor, 'You lost detective,' I have to tell him before he finds out, 'I already found the girl. You still owe me.'

As I stared at the detective's name on my phone, I remembered the conversation I had with him.


The detective said she might be a part-timer there. Well since 'she' is a 'he' that means he came here from NLN.

I typed the name and the company's name in the search bar to see what I found but as the search results opened up, so did a picture of Nolan


Something clicked in my mind.

It's him,

But what is Nolan to Clio? This man couldn't be his lover. No way.

But the fact doesn't change that Clio is involved with someone and that someone isn't me.

The revelation had hit me like a sucker punch to the gut, a blow so unexpected that it left me reeling. My world, which had been built around the fervent hope of finding and bonding with my mate, crumbled in an instant as I learned that he already had another lover. It was hard enough to accept that my mate is a man but it's even harder to accept that he's committed.

I hope to God it's not this asshole Nolan though.

A whirlwind of emotions swept through me, threatening to drown me in their tumultuous currents. Jealousy surged next, a searing, irrational emotion that burned in my chest. The mate bond was supposed to be sacred, unbreakable, but while I'm attractive to that boy he shows no interest in me.

Betrayal clawed at my heart. I knew it was irrational, but I couldn't help but feel as if the Moon Goddess had played a cruel trick on me. I thought I wouldn't be getting one. I'm a half to begin with, a bastard. So I thought I'd be free from these restraints but all of it was shattered in an instant the moment the intern appeared.

The moment I saw him doing his introduction on his first day I found myself breathless, then shaken. I thought about rejection but couldn't do it and now amidst the tempest of emotions, a profound sense of loneliness has settled upon me.

But I don't want these feelings to fester. I don't like the fact that I got a male mate when I'm straight but the thought of him being with someone else boils my blood.

I want him. The further I find him from me, the more I crave him. I want him, I want all of him. And I will have him, even if it means to steal him. Even if it means I have to destroy the other party.

He's my mate.

He belongs to me.

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