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-Snow's pov-

"An annulment!?" I shouted in rage.

"We never really loved each other. Our fathers were the ones who arranged this whole engagement anyway" He said while stroking his lover's hair.

"But I did," I mumbled.

"What?" he looked at me confused.

"I said I did!!! I did love you. I was so happy when I first heard we were engaged... " I cried.

"But you never cared about my feelings, is that it? Do you want to make me miserable all my life? If you really loved me you'd accept the annulment with a smile," he smirked.

"Y-you!!! You're a demon! And you're a thieving cat!" The earth began to tremble and I blacked out with overwhelming pain and anger.

-3rd person pov-

"Leo!" The woman next to the prince called out.

"Don't worry, I knew it would come to this... " The prince took out a white sword decorated with white wings near the grip of the sword with an aquamarine gem In the middle of his scabbard.

"B-but t-that sword-, " she was cut off by the prince.

"Like I said don't worry," He said to comfort the young woman.

He dashed towards the angry nine-tailed princess. She pulls out a sword surrounded by dark magic.
As their swords were about to clash, the prince ducked and stabbed the princess in the stomach.

"Finally, you're finally out of my way, " the prince whispered with a small laugh in the dying girl's ear.

"I-I curse you with your own cruel fate... If we ever cross paths again, I swear on my soul that I will. End. You... " She whispered back, then collapsed on the floor lifeless.

The prince stood up, his face with the blood of his ex-fiancé, and walked back to his shocked beloved.

"See? Nothing to worry about" He smiled.

"L-Leo?" The heroine asked, shocked.

"Yes?" He answered sweetly, blood smudged on his face.

"No, you're not the Leo I know, y-you're a monster!" The heroine quickly got on her feet and ran away as fast as possible.

"..." The prince clenched his fist and roared in anger.

~Game over~

Prince Leonard route
Bad ending

-Alicia's pov-

"Ugh, this is by far the worst ending in the entire game. The script wasn't even written that well! They killed off Snow again!" I complained as I got up and stretched.

"But right now, I think it's time to go to bed. I don't wanna be late for work again," I got into bed, and put my glasses on my little table next to the bed then a few seconds later.

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