Chapter 8 - I want so much more than a dream

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Loki awoke drowsily from his sleep. Seeing it was but early morning and still dark out, he turned onto his side. Suddenly, the Prince felt a disturbance. An all too familiar tingled in the air. There was magic about him — magic not his own.
Now wide awake, he perched himself on one elbow to glance around. A breeze rustled the drapes on his balcony. Loki rose to shut the door but stopped a moment to look outside. From where he stood, he saw a light from his mother's balcony. The Queen sometimes did spells in the most unseemly hours of the morning when using certain herbs or waiting on specific alignments in the Heavens. A ripple of her magic must've ebbed toward him, as they often performed magic together, despite Odin's discontentment with this particular mother-son-bonding.
Another breeze hit Loki's bare chest. Though the chill didn't bother him, he still pulled the balcony door shut. Then Loki felt the same sensation as before. This wasn't Frigga's magic. And whoever's it was, was in his room.

Swiftly, Loki conjured a dagger in his hand, keeping the blade hidden against his wrist. He slowly turned to face his foe, but again saw no one. He noticed the clothes he casually threw over his mirror the night before lying in a pile on the floor, though. Vigilantly, he walked over, narrowed eyes darting around for any sign of movement.
Just when he was about to pick his clothes up, Loki heard a scuffle behind him and whirled around, ready to strike. His attack was blocked when a dainty hand grabbed his wrist, whilst the other skilfully robbed him of his weapon. Before he could conjure another dagger, his assailant threw him onto his bed and straddled Loki's hips to keep him down, his own dagger at his throat. A lock of blood-red hair then fell in his field of vision. His eyes widened as he stared into two familiar emeralds, edged by a burning red ring.

"Sigyn?" Loki exclaimed in surprise upon recognising his brother's betrothed. "What are you doing here? Why are you not with Thor in Alfheim?"

"You know damn well," Sigyn hissed at Loki. "I know what you did, Loki. I know you saw Queen Aelsa. You've gone too far this time."

"I've done nothing."

"Don't lie to me!"

The dagger nicked Loki's skin. Blood trickled down, staining his skin and the sheets underneath him. He held his hands up in surrender.

"Sigyn, please, calm down," he begged of her. "I swear I've done nothing. I knew Aelsa still held a grudge against Thor for what he did to her last —"

"You made him do it!"

"Yes! Yes, I did. And that is why I went to see her. I didn't want what happened ten years ago to put either of you in danger."

Sigyn's rage seemed to subdue. The red circle in her eyes slowly faded, and her grip on him loosened.

"Did you know what she meant to do with Thor?" she demanded.

Loki hesitated a moment. "I suspected her intent, though I couldn't be certain. And knowing my brother... he would not have objected to it. He might have even instigated it if he believed it would resolve his past transgression."

Sigyn pinched her lips. Loki began to understand what had occurred for her to act this way.

"Is that what happened?" he asked carefully. "Did they —?"

"Did you?" retorted Sigyn. "When you saw her, did you lie with her?"


"Why not?"

"Because it's not Aelsa I want."

The maiden froze atop of him. Not caring that there was a knife at his throat, and she could kill him in an instant if she wanted to, Loki brought her to him by the nape of her neck, slowly but decisively, and tasted her full, red lips. How he had longed to kiss those lips again, ever since the day they had both betrayed their desires for one another. Now that it was at long last happening, Loki only wanted more.
Sigyn's nails dug into his shoulder as he fully pressed his mouth on hers. She trembled. Loki saw his chance to retrieve his dagger from her and threw it away. It clattered to the floor. The sound awoke Sigyn from a trance, and she pushed herself up with both hands against his chest. She stared at Loki, her face aghast. He wondered if this was because of what he had done or because she had allowed it.
Loki could tell she was torn between leaving or staying, so he swiftly removed the choice from her. He sat up and let his hands slip around her body, feeling her warmth through the gold silk of her dress. Sigyn gasped at his touch. Her hands were still on his chest, keeping Loki at bay. But he leaned in and whispered, "I want you."

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