Chapter 10 - The way you did once upon a dream

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Loki waited impatiently for Sigyn, staring at his mirror. He froze when he finally saw her appear. It was like a reflection in water at first; unclear, with shaky blurred edges but sharpening with every step until Sigyn appeared to be standing right in front of Loki. And then, in the blink of an eye, she was.
It wasn't at all like stepping out. More like being pushed out forcefully, really. But Sigyn still managed even that with the grace and composure of a Queen. When her feet touched the floor of his bedchamber, their eyes met. Propelled by longing, Loki rushed to wrap her in his arms.

"I'm sorry for not coming myself," he said. "I wanted to, but they wouldn't let me. I didn't know how else to —"

Sigyn cut him off by pulling him down and pressing her mouth on his. Loki instantly melted into her kiss and forgot what he'd meant to say. The power she had over him was indescribable.

"Don't." Sigyn breathed against his lips. "Don't tell me how you couldn't be with me and just be with me."

Another kiss. Longer. Deeper. Stronger.

"Hmm, not here," said Loki, reluctant to stop. "I don't want them to catch us."

"Where then?"

"Can you take me with you? Through the mirror? There's something I want to show you."

"I don't know." She drew back, turning her head to look at their reflections. "I never tried taking someone with me before."

"You can do it. I trust you."

Sigyn's eyes glistened at his words. She had probably never heard those words before. No one had ever trusted her with anyone or anything because no one had ever thought her capable. Loki understood better than she knew — though admittedly, the not-trusting part was his own fault for playing mischief.
The maiden took the Prince's hand and pulled him with her. She took a deep breath, stretching her other hand to the surface of the mirror. Her fingers touched the glass. Their reflections faded. She glanced back at him.

"Don't let go," she said.



The dark world behind the mirror seemed less warm this time. Perhaps it was Loki's presence that made it so. He had a certain refreshing allure around him, which was one of the reasons Sigyn felt so at ease with him. She was glad to see Loki crossed through in one piece. Already, Loki was absorbed by the place she hadn't shared with anyone until now. She understood. This place was impressive, if not terrifying, to anyone seeing it for the first time.
Hundreds of frameless looking glasses floated about them, attached to nothing but the void. Sigyn often peered at the different people and creatures inhabiting the Nine Realms through them. Her favourites were the ones leading to the most extraordinary of them all, named Midgard. Only a few times had she actually dared to step through and visit. Always when no one was around, and never for longer than a few minutes.

"Which is the closest one to the Urdarbrunn?" Loki asked then.

Sigyn led him on a swirling path, showing him the rippling pools on either side which formed the portals to nature's mirrors. They passed a swan lake in Midgard, a mighty river in Vanaheim, the tundra of Jotünheim... Loki's eyes searched for anything he recognised lying near the mountain where the glen was hidden, all the while holding on to Sigyn's hand. It was the most natural feeling. When Sigyn drew him to a deep blue pool, his mouth dropped.

"But this is —"

"The Urdarbrunn itself," finished Sigyn, gleaming at his wonder. "I was surprised to find it here as well. Especially since you told me there was no other way in."

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