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"The chances of me punching you in the non-existent nuts are too high, Core."

"But so are the chances of you falling for me. So who cares, Suarez?"

        Celeste Suarez wants nothing to do with relationships or boys, because she believes that she was not made to be loved or to love. Life, in her words, is about survival. And even though she cusses like a sailor and smiles as brightly as the sun; she wants to blend into the crowd. After all, why would she bother to try standing out on senior year? It is her last year; she just wants to get out of that stuffy, prosaic school and breathe a fresh air of life.

   Because fate likes to take our hopes and crush them with a hammer, Celeste ends up babysitting the school's biggest prankster—and failure: Kieran Core, as they both design the set for the Winter musical.

        What is that theatre saying, again?

        Break a leg.

(That will, literally, happen though.)


i'm taking another chance on this story, hoping to bring it to life this summer. hope you enjoy! please don't forget to leave a comment, to vote and to give this story a small fragment of the love i'm giving it.


This story Cross Fade, including all chapters, prologues, epilogues, prequels, and sequels, and all associated content is copyrighted under the copyright design and patents act of 1988. All rights are reserved by the creator and owner of these works, and no part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by by any means, electronic or mechanical, without the prior written permission of the author.

Any unothorized copying, manipulating, distribution, broadcasting, or selling of this work constitutes an infragment of the copyright. Any and all copyright infragment is punishable by law. Names, places, events and characters are completely fictional and are all a product of the author's umagination. Any resembalance or similarity to actual people, living or dead, places or actual events is purely coincidental and unintentional.


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