Chapter 14 - Lost forever... if I never knew you

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The Guardian of the Bifrost stood atop the stairs, his arms crossed, his expression stoic. His golden eyes were on Sigyn, watching her closely as she sat up against the wall with great effort. She was exhausted. The bindings at her wrists did not make it any easier, either. Once the room stopped spinning before her eyes, she slowly rose to view her surroundings, aware Heimdall followed her every move.
The Vault was a room underneath the palace, holding many of Odin's most valuable and most dangerous possessions. Sigyn had never been before, but it wasn't a room she was overly fond of at the moment. Heimdall blocked the only way in and out. There were no windows and no mirrors either. But even if there had been, where could she have gone to? She couldn't leave Loki to his fate, nor would she let Heimdall know of that other bit of magic she was capable of.

What did Odin have planned for her? Was she to be kept there forever? The last fire mage controlled by the Allfather, to be used however he saw fit? Was she to be a weapon like the Destroyer, that great steel giant that was just at the other side of the room?
Or was she to die? Sigyn would prefer it. Rather dead than a weapon. Rather dead than returned home, for her family would undoubtedly ensure she was never heard off again. Rather dead than never be in Loki's arms again.
Sigyn hoped he was well. Being the Prince might save Loki from sharing her fate. She prayed he would not attempt a rescue. Her hand reached to her bosom, needing to feel his essence, if only by a sliver. But to her great dismay, she realised her pendant was gone. 

It must still be in the Queen's garden, she thought miserably. Or perhaps Loki managed to take it before Odin did. Damn it all... 

Suddenly, the Vault's door swung open, and the Allfather came in. He spoke a few quiet words to Heimdall, and the Guardian promptly left after a brief nod. Odin lingered a moment at the top of the stairs before making his way down. Sigyn watched with bated breath and a pounding heart. 

"Don't just stand there, Sigyn. Come and sit with me," said the Allfather, not too unkindly. "I believe it is time you and I spoke without interference."

He sat on the bottom steps and waited for her to join him. Cautiously, Sigyn approached and halted at what she believed to be a safe distance. Odin had his spear with him, the one he used on her in Frigga's garden. No doubt Gungnir was the weapon that had killed the fire mages before her, and Sigyn preferred to stay away from it. But when Odin beckoned her again, she had no choice but to sit beside the man who would have been her father-in-law in a mere few months.

"I must say, I am impressed," he started. "Few people can hide their magic from me for as long as you have. Especially not the sort you seem to possess. My wife would have me believe you differ from the monsters that threatened our world in the past, as would Loki. And they are not that easily deceived, being masters of deception and mischief themselves. But you do not strike me as a woman who would wilfully lie and cheat... unless it were for self-preservation? Or to protect another, perhaps?"

Sigyn threw a side-ways glance at the Allfather, but remained silent. Her fists lay clenched in her lap, the only sign of any tension on her body. She felt Odin's one eye rover over her, watching closely for any other sign he was headed in the right direction.

"Do you love my son, Sigyn?" he asked.

"Yes," she answered.

"You did not ask which son I speak of."

"But you know which son I speak of."

She dared to glance again. Though Odin's expression betrayed nothing, Sigyn could tell he knew. He knew everything.

"Hmm, Loki." Odin hummed. "Were it any other, I would simply ask you if you loved the man, and him if he loved you, and let that be the end. But with Loki, nothing is that simple. I would not stand in the way of love... if it were real."

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