My Social Network

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I needed someone to talk to

and no one was there.

Just 800 friends on facebook

spitting status updates like an assembly line

talking but not listening

all wanting to be heard

and I sit on the other side of the windows 7

looking in


selfishly wanting the same thing

quiet depression invading my soul and i had no virus protection for my mind

the sky was dark and cloudy and I could not hear the birds tweeting

nor did i want to.

I wanted to let someone in but everyone had their walls up.

so i just wrote on them

showing you some <3

hoping someone to show me some back and yet I still sit here in lack

my life summed up in pics and posts and I need more, if only a shoulder

anothers warm arms

to rub my head and say..."you're gonna be okay"

because I'm tired of talking to myself

tired of the wired.

tired of being followed...  @montrebible

tired of sharing

Im stuck in a net thats not working,

I want to be social and my status update is blank. will you add me? click . ignore.

My Social NetworkWhere stories live. Discover now