the ball.

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"You," Anthony spat, his voice laced with venom. Charlotte's eyes flared with anger and confusion as they locked onto his.

"Why are you here?" she demanded, her annoyance evident. Anthony's eyes narrowed, and he let out a derisive scoff.

"Why am I here?" he retorted. "Why are you here? This is my family, thank you." He looked to Violet for support, but she averted her gaze, unwilling to intervene. Charlotte's eyes widened in disbelief.

"You honestly expect me to believe that you, the man who whacked me in the face with a door, is related to the Bridgertons?" she asked incredulously. Violet gave Anthony a gentle but firm smack on the arm.

"Son! You did not, did you?" she scolded. Anthony pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a loud sigh.

"You and I shall have words about this, young man! And for your information, Charlotte is spending her time with us until her parents and siblings arrive. I expect you to make her feel more than welcome." Violet's glare was unyielding, and Anthony huffed in frustration.

"My Lady," Anthony seethed. Charlotte crossed her arms, her expression expectant. "I apologize greatly for tapping your face with the door. I truly am sorry and wish for us to sort things out." He forced a smile through gritted teeth. Charlotte rolled her eyes.

"Tapping me in the face?" she asked, stepping closer to Anthony. The tension in the room was palpable, with Benedict and Colin raising their eyebrows and exchanging amused glances. "You hit me straight in the nose!" Charlotte shouted, throwing her arms up in exasperation.

All of Anthony's pent-up rage was ready to explode.

"I cannot and will not stay in a house with this inconsiderate woman who is so high in the instep she can't even accept my apology!" Anthony screamed. The pair scowled at each other before storming away in separate directions.

"I do believe they love each other, don't you think, Colin?" Benedict asked with a smirk, clasping his hands behind his back. Colin nodded, his grin matching his brother's.

"I do believe so, brother," he replied. Violet looked between the pair and sighed.


Once the family and Charlotte had arrived home, a heavy silence hung over the group, each worried that any word might spark another argument. The Bridgerton estate, usually filled with lively conversation and laughter, felt stiflingly quiet.

"Brother," Daphne addressed Anthony, her eyes flicking to their mother, signaling her intent to diffuse the tension. Anthony looked up at his sister with a forced smile.

"Yes, sister?" he asked, a hint of impatience in his tone. Daphne glanced at her other brothers, who were giggling like young schoolboys.

"Will you be accompanying us to the ball tomorrow night? Charlotte and I, of course," Daphne asked, her tone light but her eyes serious. Anthony scoffed at the mention of Charlotte, his expression incredulous.

"Dear sister, I do not believe I know of a Charlotte," he began. Violet wiped a hand over her face, her exasperation clear as she paced to the stairs. Eloise quickly made a break for it, while Benedict and Colin attempted to creep away, only to be halted by a warning look from their mother. "Is it one of your friends that I do not know of?" Anthony asked, smirking as Charlotte shifted in her seat, her anger rising with each word. "Or are you simply delusional—"

"Enough!" Charlotte interrupted, standing abruptly. "Anthony, I do apologize for overreacting and being unreasonable, but you have been nothing but awful to me since we met! You hit me in the face with a door, and now you just hate me," she exclaimed. "Why?" For once, Anthony Bridgerton was at a loss for words. Both Daphne and Charlotte stared at him, awaiting his response.

𝐈 𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐍𝐀 𝐁𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐒, 𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐲 𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now