a confidante in the night.

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The carriage ride home from the ball was a silent one for Charlotte. The grandeur of the evening's festivities had dissolved into a haze of frustration and confusion, leaving her lost in thought as the city lights flickered past the window. The argument with Anthony replayed in her mind, each exchange of words cutting deeper than the last. She had felt so exposed, so vulnerable under his intense gaze, and the way he dismissed her feelings still stung.

As the carriage pulled up to the Bridgerton residence, Charlotte took a deep breath, trying to compose herself before facing anyone else. The house was quiet, the servants having retired for the night, and she made her way to her room with a heavy heart.

Lillian, her maid and closest confidante, was waiting for her. Lillian had been with Charlotte for years, ever since she was a young girl. Her gentle presence was a balm to Charlotte's troubled soul.

"Good evening, Miss Charlotte," Lillian greeted her, immediately noticing the strained look on Charlotte's face. "How was the ball?"

Charlotte forced a smile, but it didn't reach her eyes. "Eventful," she replied, her voice tinged with weariness. She sat down at her vanity, and Lillian began to unpin her hair, the familiar routine providing a small measure of comfort.

"I take it things didn't go as planned?" Lillian prompted gently, her hands working deftly through Charlotte's curls.

Charlotte sighed deeply, her shoulders slumping. "No, they didn't. It was supposed to be a wonderful evening, but it turned into something else entirely."

Lillian paused, looking at Charlotte through the mirror. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Charlotte hesitated for a moment, then nodded. "It's Anthony Bridgerton. He's been so...infuriating since the moment we met. Tonight, we had an argument, a rather heated one."

Lillian's eyebrows raised slightly. "An argument at a ball? That must have been quite the scene."

"It wasn't exactly public," Charlotte clarified, her tone softening. "But it was intense. He accused me of being a distraction, a complication in his perfectly ordered life. Can you imagine?"

Lillian continued to brush Charlotte's hair, her expression thoughtful. "He must be under a lot of pressure, being the head of his family. But that doesn't excuse treating you poorly."

Charlotte nodded, her eyes distant. "Exactly. I understand he has responsibilities, but it's like he sees me as an obstacle rather than a person. He's so wrapped up in his duties that he can't see beyond them."

Lillian set the brush down and began to help Charlotte out of her gown, carefully hanging it up. "Did he say anything that might explain his behavior?"

Charlotte bit her lip, recalling the moments of vulnerability she had glimpsed in Anthony's eyes. "He did mention the weight of his responsibilities, how every decision he makes is scrutinized. But it felt like he was using that as an excuse to push me away."

Lillian nodded, her expression sympathetic. "Men often use their burdens as shields, Miss Charlotte. They think it makes them strong, but it often makes them blind to their own hearts."

Charlotte sighed, slipping into her nightgown. "I just don't understand why he's so determined to keep me at arm's length. He apologized, but it felt so forced, so insincere."

"Perhaps he's afraid," Lillian suggested, helping Charlotte into bed. "Afraid of something he can't control. You're not a complication, Charlotte; you're a reminder that there's more to life than duty and obligation."

Charlotte lay back against the pillows, feeling a tear slip down her cheek. "I just wish he could see that. I wish he could see me."

Lillian squeezed her hand gently. "Give him time. Sometimes, people need a little push to open their eyes. But remember, Miss Charlotte, you deserve to be treated with respect and kindness. Don't let anyone make you feel less than you are."

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