Chapter 17 - Try to lock me in this cage, I won't just lay me down and die

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"Make sure she is well-restrained. Her magic has grown considerably. Damn those Asgardians! Was it really so hard to just do as they were expected?"

"It's the Trickster's fault. He no doubt holds everyone under a spell, including the Allfather."

"Him and that witch of a mother of his. I should have gotten rid of her when I had the chance."

Sigyn blinked against her blindfold when she heard her mother and Ivar speaking. There was a distinct clanging sound of iron chains against hard rocks. Shackles were put around her ankles and wrists. She tried to get away from whoever was restraining her but was struck across her face at the attempt. 

"Keep still, you little slut."

Ivar... Sigyn heard someone laughing, a male voice, but younger - Thorin. Then her mother's voice again.

"Struggle all you like, my dear. You won't get out of those restraints. They were forged especially on Nidavellir to keep our kind in check."

"Our kind?" dared Sigyn. 

Ivar hit her again. Blood dripped down her cheek. 

"That is enough for now, Ivar. I don't mind answering this particular question. Yes, Sigyn, our kind. Fire mages. Or did you think you were the only one in our family to be blessed with these powers?"

Her mother chuckled at Sigyn's gasp. 

"The ancient power of the fire mages has been passed down from mother to daughter for generations, my dear. Only a handful of men were born with the flame and lived long enough to wield it. And every one of them died horribly at the hands of Bor and Odin. Until me, that is. My mother knew a thing or two about potions as well, and she poisoned me, stripping me of my fire when I was a young maid. Then she got herself killed, leaving me defenceless. Well, almost anyway. Thanks to my desire for knowledge and power, I learned a few other basic forms of magic which she failed to take away from me."

Lady Sunna scoffed.

"She was a fool. And a coward. If she had united our powers, we could have taken over Asgard and eliminated our enemies once and for all. We could have ruled all of the Nine Realms!"

"Your mother only wanted what was best," whispered Sigyn. "She loved you. She wanted to save you."

"She wanted to finish our heritage," rebuffed her mother. "My mother's last act was extinguishing the flame that once burned so fiercely. She told me 'our plight' would end with her. So imagine my surprise when you are born, and I find you have the fire that was rightfully mine! I will admit I hated you at first, but after some time, I realised that having you provided me with an opportunity. All I had to do was keep you away from everyone until my spies informed me Frigga was looking for a wife for her golden boy, making sure you were well-educated and fit to be Queen. The prize they couldn't possibly resist."

"All my life... Everything you have done to me... All for vengeance?!"

"For the good of the family, my dear. I almost had it all within my grasp... But then you ruined it all by letting the wrong brother have his way with you! The same brother who unwittingly foiled my plans before by killing my most precious spy! But it no longer matters. The Trickster will get what he deserves, as will the rest of that wretched family and all of Asgard!"

Sigyn clenched her fists in rage. Her fire tried to push its way up, yearning to be let loose. But the shackles did what they were supposed to and kept her well in check. She heard Ivar and Thorin laughing.

"Ha-ha, do not pretend to be all-powerful, Sigyn." Thorin snickered. "You may have picked up a few new tricks, but you are no match for these bonds. Nor for our mother."

Loyalty and Mischief (WIP)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin