an unexpected caller.

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The morning sun bathed the Bridgerton estate in a soft glow, the gardens outside shimmering with dew. Inside, the atmosphere was markedly less serene. The family had gathered for breakfast, and though the table was laden with an assortment of delicacies, the mood was far from harmonious. Anthony Bridgerton sat at the head, his face obscured by the morning paper, yet he could not focus on the printed words. Across from him, Charlotte Hamilton was immersed in her tea, her mind replaying the previous night's argument.

Charlotte had barely slept, her night filled with restless tossing and turning as she recalled their heated exchange. Now, she avoided Anthony's gaze, feeling the weight of their unresolved conflict pressing down on her.

The silence was broken by the sound of the front door opening and the butler's voice announcing the arrival of visitors. Lady Violet Bridgerton looked up from her seat, her eyes sparkling with curiosity and welcome. "It seems we have callers," she remarked, attempting to dispel the tension with her cheerfulness.

Moments later, the butler appeared in the doorway and bowed. "My Lady, Lord Ashford has arrived to call on Miss Hamilton, and Lord Berbrooke is here to see Miss Daphne."

Daphne's eyes widened in a mix of surprise and dismay at the mention of Lord Berbrooke, while Charlotte's heart skipped a beat at the unexpected visit from Lord Ashford. She hadn't anticipated any callers, especially not Lord Ashford, whose charm had made a notable impression at the ball.

"Show them in, please," Lady Violet instructed with a gracious smile. She turned to her children, her gaze lingering on Anthony and Charlotte. "We mustn't keep our guests waiting."

Lord Ashford was the first to enter, his tall, handsome figure commanding attention as he moved into the room. His dark hair was perfectly styled, and his blue eyes gleamed with genuine pleasure as they found Charlotte. A warm smile spread across his face as he approached her.

"Miss Hamilton," he greeted, taking her hand and bowing slightly. "I hope you are well this morning."

Charlotte rose gracefully, offering a curtsy. "Lord Ashford, what a pleasant surprise. I am well, thank you. And you?"

"As well as one can be on such a fine morning," he replied, his smile deepening.

Anthony watched the exchange, his grip tightening on the newspaper until his knuckles whitened. He couldn't explain the surge of irritation that seeing Charlotte with Lord Ashford elicited, but it gnawed at him relentlessly.

Lord Berbrooke followed, his demeanor less polished but eager. He made his way directly to Daphne, who forced a polite smile as he took her hand and kissed it.

"Miss Daphne, you look as lovely as ever," Lord Berbrooke declared, his enthusiasm almost overwhelming.

"Thank you, Lord Berbrooke," Daphne replied, her tone courteous yet distant.

Lady Violet stood, her commanding presence effortlessly kind. "Why don't we all move to the drawing room? It will be more comfortable for conversation."

The group relocated to the drawing room, Anthony trailing behind slightly, his gaze never straying far from Charlotte and Lord Ashford. As they settled into the plush seating, the conversations resumed.

Lord Ashford proved to be as charming as he had been at the ball, directing his full attention towards Charlotte. He spoke of his recent travels and adventures, his witty anecdotes drawing genuine laughter from her. Charlotte found herself enjoying his company more than she had expected, the earlier tension dissipating in his presence.

Anthony, meanwhile, could hardly keep his composure. His eyes frequently darted towards Charlotte, his irritation growing with each laugh she shared with Lord Ashford. He clenched his fists, struggling to maintain a facade of indifference.

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