Chapter 1

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I had not expected this. Here I stood, in my bedroom, inside the palace. My heart pounded as I looked down at the test that rested in my hands. I had been feeling sick for almost a week, making me stay in bed while Ben ran the kingdom. How was he going to feel now that there was going to be a little me or little him running around? Uma still had not resurfaced, and Hades nearly escaped.

Two guards stood outside my room as the door opened, revealing Evie. I hid the test that had decided my future.

"How is the future queen feeling?" Evie asked as one of the guards shut the door behind her. Oh, I forgot to mention that Ben proposed to me 3 days ago and I said yes.

"I am still feeling under the weather and...I think I know why." I pulled out the test. Even if I hadn't decided to tell her now, she's smart enough to have figured it out.

"Oh my that thing...right? I mean, you and Ben haven't even-" I cut Evie off, slightly laughing since I think she thinks that I'm naïve.

"-Ben and I have, and yes. That test is right." I gave it to her.

"Well...your story just got interesting. First you steal Audrey's boyfriend, then you two do it and you end up becoming a mama bird 3 days after you accept his marriage proposal." Evie said, recapping the past 2 years.

"Ma'am, you have an urgent meeting with King Ben, Belle, Beast and Fairy Godmother. They need you now." One of the guards spoke as they walked into their room.

"Not a word of my situation." I spoke as Evie nodded, understanding that my secret could not be revealed.

I walked through the castle, guards following me as I made it to the royal meeting room. The doors were opened, revealing a distressed Ben.

"What's going on?" I asked. Ben wrapped his arm around my waist, meaning that something was either going wrong or going great. Knowing how concerned the guard seemed, Ben was worried.

"Maleficent's sceptre and the Evil Queen's crown were stolen from the museum early this morning. The security feed was wiped clean from 6am-7:30am." The security guard spoke as Ben's right fist tensed up.

My sickness overwhelmed me, worrying Ben as he sat me down in one of the couches that rested near the fireplace.

"We have to do something about this. Whoever stole the sceptre, and the crown are more dangerous than ever." Ben spoke.

"Ben, take Mal back to her room. She looks severely unwell." Belle spoke as I was on the cusp of passing out. Ben quickly wrapped his arms around me as I could barely stand up, enticing one of the guards to help him out. We walked back to my room, being welcomed by Evie who never left.

"Evie, can you take care of Mal? I have some urgent business to tend to." Ben asked before turning to me. Evie helped me sit down on the bed while Ben walked over to me.

"Mal, you stay here and get better. I swear that I will find out who stole the sceptre and crown." Ben kissed my forehead before he walked off, leaving me in the care of Evie.

"Let me guess...King Ben has no idea that you are carrying his precious cargo?" Evie asked, sitting down beside me.

"I couldn't tell him E. We just found out that my mother's sceptre and your mother's crown were stolen from the museum. I am not putting any more pressure on him. I cannot imagine what he would do if he found out. He'd probably lock me in here to keep me and his cargo- I mean, our baby safe." It finally dawned on me. I am pregnant with Ben's child and we've barely been engaged 3 days!

"'ll have to tell him sooner or later...I mean...your slim body won't exist for much longer..." Evie spoke as she eyed my stomach.

"I-I guess your right. I'll tell him as soon as this whole theft situation is over, which is hopefully soon. But...for now...I need to help Auradon. Nothing can stop my mother's sceptre...except for my father's ember. I have to go get it." I stood up.

" This is too dangerous for you. You barely saved yourself from Hades' ember before. He drained most of your power and you have a baby to protect." She held my stomach as she sat me down.

"E. Like I said, nothing can stop the sceptre except the ember, and I don't think that Ben can get the ember off my father. I'm the only one who can." I objected, standing up as I grabbed a jacket and my helmet. Against Evie's wishes, I walked out of the room, heading to my Italian scooter that Ben had gotten me.

"MAL! YOU NEED TO COME BACK!" Evie yelled as she tried to chase after me. I got onto the Italian scooter, driving off towards the edge of Auradon.

It frustrated me how determined Mal could be sometimes. Watching her drive off as she went to go and retrieve the ember from her father made me happy that she was trying to help her people, but worried that she might hurt herself or her baby.

I was about to head back inside, having no way to stop Mal, when Celia ran up to me. "Where is Mal going?" She asked, confused.

"She's going to the Isle. Auradon is in trouble and Hades' ember is the only thing that can save it." I revealed.

"I need to go with her then. I'm the only person who knows were Hades will be." Celia spoke.

I quickly got Celia a ride as she made her way to the Isle, hoping to help Mal.

Entering the Isle, I look behind me to see a limo. Celia jumped out, worrying me.

"Celia?! What are you doing here?" I asked, confused.

"Evie told me why you were coming here. I am Hades' errand rat. The key to his lair is at my dads" Celia revealed as she showed me the way to her father's home. A wave of sickness washed over me as Celia and I entered her father's home.

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