In the begining God created more than he lets on...

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Chapter one:

The blood curdling screams filled my once peaceful ears, just another day in the life of a captive. That's right, a captive, a captive of the next door neighbour. Confused? I will explain...
Around four months ago now, I came to shadowed lake. It's exactly what the name implies. A city built upon a lake behind dooms mountain, which blocks out any direct light. A city built for people like me, people who can't see the sun, people who can't feel the warm, people who aren't really people, people who have a hidden side. I came here to escape the Suns murdering Rays, to find a blacksmith with the power to prevent my faults from being noticed. He promised a ring be made for me, one that would forever shadow my ghostly pale skin. But a deal like this comes with a price, one I didn't particularly want to pay, one I knew I'd regret.

I walked through the city's dimly lit streets, forgotten homes and abandoned wagons scattered around me. The splintered door handle of the near blacksmith greeted me with pain as I twisted the knob reluctantly.

" made a deal with the devil ay gnash!?" A man with a wrinkled face like a shirt that's been left unfolded in a drawer, yelled at me before laughing and walking away.

" unfortunately" I said under breath in realisation of how complicated my situation is about to turn into. I pushed and the door creaked open, I was met with air so thick with dust I could make a meal out of it. The wooden floors were stained with burns and ash, not much could be seen as there was no light apart from the flicker of a few burning candles.

" your here to collect your ring are you gnash?" A low husky voice startled me from a darkened corner of the room. A tall masculine figure started to walk out from the darkness, his arms covered in black fur and claws as long as fingers grew from the tips of his paws, they clanged against a metal table in rhythmic pattern awaiting my answer. I gulped in intimidation nodding slowly. He thrust his beastly head forward almost knocking me off my feet, horns grew from the sides of his head and ears like a fox twitched on top of his swine like facial structure. Yellow cats eyes darted around the room searching for nothing in particular. They then shot in my direction, staring into my eyes, deep into my soul they devoured any courage I had left. A snort came from his snout and he stepped back to hold out his hand.

" what?" I asked puzzled, does he want me to hold his hand so he can lead me to my judgment or something?

" wheres my payment?" He angrily snorted at me.

" well I haven't got it, that's why I'm here, I need more time" I pleaded

" you said you were here for the ring!" He recalled

" I am" I said now providing him with more confusion. " I'm here because I need the ring to complete my half of the deal" I stated answering the questions I could see dwelling in his eyes.

" what!?" He demanded an explanation, the seconds ticked on as I struggled to remember my plan. His face grew redder at every thought of me wasting his time but lucky my memory hadn't fully abandoned me, because I was reminded of my instincts... Which was to run.

My heart repeatedly thumped against my rib cage as I left only dust behind me. I ran at full speed dodging the million obstacles Slowing my path. I felt a little light headed using every Inch of energy I had and betraying any dignity I didn't leave in the shop. A threatening rumble drained any courage I had left, and the last thing I heard was the blacksmith roaring my name over and over again. Right before I realised the ground was no longer beneath me, but was replaced with an approaching pool of water. I had fallen down an old muddy well, yes, a well, " oh bother" irritation escaped my lips as I plunged into a sloshy wasteland.

I resurfaced to engage with a light conversation, perhaps about politics with my fury friend watching in amusement from the top of the dark abyss. But was met with only an angry warning " three days Valhalla! THREE DAYS!" And he stomped away, most likely leaving a trail of hoof prints behind him.

The walls of the well we're blanketed in a thick green slime, I was half waiting for it to get up and crawl away. My feet oozed down and seemed to be sinking deeper and deeper into what was hopefully, just mud. I sighed to myself and leaned against the wall. A cold pang against my back made me jump forward. All of my white collard suite shirt was wet and sticking to the skin between my shoulder blades. No doubt the fabric was no longer white but the same colour of the walls, or should I say what lives on the walls?

"How am I going to get out of this? I can't very well live down here, can I?" I asked myself. Plans formed in my head too quickly to keep up with. I needed to get out of here now! I hadn't the slightest chance of ever getting out alone, but I could not let myself believe that. Besides, I didn't have the time to waste starting a home and a lovely moss garden down here, no, I had three days to decide weather my life was going to end or not. Surely if I stayed down here I should never even have a head start to escape the swine creature.

"I shall have to climb the walls" I thought, "should be easy enough". I rammed my fingers in to the slime coating with my left hand, then did the same with the right and used it as a grip to pull my body weight up as if rock climbing. I then did the same with my feet, but apparently this kind of slime doesn't hold my whole weight and I only slid back to the beginning.

As I stood in the cold watching above at the ever grey sky through the tiny hole at the top, I noted in my mind that when you steal from fury blacksmith beasts, they seem to have quite the temper. You see, I noticed a few clouds float by, which is strange because we don't get clouds in this part of town. So therefore it must be smoke, which would make sense because I can hear the loudest riot going on right now. Crashing and breaking wood could be heard, the smoke kept growing thicker along with the yelling. Outside this well sounded to be a war occurring. The blacksmith was doing an excellent job of making himself clear to everyone in the village that his silver has been stolen. And by the looks of thing he sounds to have found someone to blame.

" my silver has been snatched!" I heard him informing the world. " take his soul and rip him to shreds!"

"Huh, I wonder who the poor lad is that's about to have an inconvenience. But it's his fault, shouldn't steal silver should you? Stupid man." I mumbled looking down at the small leather bag tied around my waste with a smirk.

"If I shan't be on my way soon" I said to myself " I'll surely be killed by the creature when he realises" I sighed to myself jingling the tattered bag.

" VALHALA GNASH!" A thundering voice roared.

"Too late."

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