Chapter 21: Aftermath

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A/n: I told you there was more to go.


I watched as Blitz and Aero plummet to their deaths, tears rolling down my face as I watch the wolf I love disappeared.


Shadow: He said he'd end it. He never said how he'd end it.

Blaze: He said he'd be fine......HE PROMISED!!!!

I slammed my hand onto the floor, denting it slightly.

Eggman: Hitting the ground won't do anything, Blaze.

I turned around to see Eggman, Cream, and Cheese standing behind us.

Shadow: Shouldn't you be in the control room stopping this thing from crash landing?

Eggman: That's the thing. I already did. This ship won't be crashing anytime soon.

Blaze: So you-?

Eggman: I saw everything. I don't think these two did, since they stayed behind for a few minutes.

Cream: Blaze? Where's Blitz?

I looked down on the ground as more tears fell.

Blaze: He's........gone.

Everything was silent as Cream slowly realized what I meant and began to tear up.

Cream: You mean*sniffle* h-he's......

Blaze: Yeah.

Cream started to cry upon realizing this as Cheese tried to comfort her. Shadow seemed to be looking out the giant hole in the wall. Perhaps mourning in his own way. Eggman walked up to Blaze.

Eggman: You really think he's gone, don't you?

Cream and Cheese looked at Eggman out of confusion. I looked up at Eggman like he was insane. There's no way Blitz could survive the fall he just took.

Blaze: He's OBVIOUSLY GONE, Eggman!! Nobody could survive a fall like that!!! Not even Blitz-

Cream and Cheese jumped at my outburst.

Eggman: Wrong.

Cream and Cheese looked at Eggman, surprised. I remained quiet.

Eggman: You may not know this, but Blitz has been through worse than re-entry. I made him very resilient, so it's possible that he survive-

Blaze: How do we get back down?

Shadow: Grab on my shoulder.

I sat there confused as Eggman, Cream, and Cheese put his hand on Shadow's shoulder.

Shadow: Just do it.

I did as he said and placed my hand on his other shoulder.

Cream: Where are we going, Mr. Shadow?

Shadow: You'll see. Chaos....

A strange aura enveloped us.

Shadow: .....CONTROL!

In an instant, we were transported to a very large crater back on Mobius.

Blaze: Where are we?

Eggman: We seem to be back at the Leaf Storm Zone.

Shadow: This is where I believe Blitz and Aero fell. I know this because I watched them fall, causing an explosion large enough to be visible from the ship. This is the site of that same explosion.

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