Xtra Zone Pt. 2: Wrapped in Black

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A/n: DON'T play the music yet. Let the battle..........BEGIN!!!!


We were now face to face with our opponents, Aero and Eggman Nega in what they called, the Egg Salamander Nega (better name than any of their other machines). The Space-Time Continuum was distorted badly to where space was oddly colored and meteors were flying everywhere.

Aero: *sighs* Why must you be so bothersome, Blitz.

Eggman Nega: Indeed. You an your friends have been nothing but pests in my grand scheme.

Aero: OUR grand scheme.

(A/n: *proceeds to play Russian music*)

Eggman Nega: Right, right, whatever.

Blitz: What? Did you think we'll just take this without a fight? I can't have you destroy our homes now, can I? Also, a rematch with my nemesis seems too hard to pass up.

Aero: A rematch? Hehe. I just might take you up on your offer.

Shadow: This time, you won't be fighting just Blitz and I.

Blaze: You gotta deal with ALL of us!

Sonic: Yeah!

Eggman Nega: Indeed, this true. Aero, I assume you wish to dispose of Blitz yourself?

Aero: Yes. You can pick whoever you wish to fight, but that dreaded wolf is MINE and mine alone!

Eggman Nega: Hmmm. How about YOU!

He pointed at Sonic and Shadow.

Aero: Fair enough.

Aero exited the mech, with a VERY different look. He had a metal peace where his beak used to be (METALBEAK!!!!!! Reference, anyone?). His right sleeve was tied on the stub where his right arm used to be. His outfit consisted of a light blue coat reaching to his ankles, giving him a somewhat regal appearance.

Blitz: Looks like it's just you and me, Aero.

Blaze: And me!

Aero: Indeed. I've seen your outstanding teamwork with Shadow, not gonna lie, but I wish to see how well you and Blaze fight now. But know this.

A blue aura began to form around Aero.


Aero: I will NOT lose to you again! HAAA!!!!!

Aero bolted towards me and attempted a punch to the face, but I moved my head slightly to the side.

Blitz: Heh. Are you sure about that?

I then kicked Aero in the jaw, sending him upwards.

Blaze: You're not just fighting Blitz! You're facing BOTH OF US! HYAH!!!

Blaze appeared above Aero and kicked him downwards as he landed on my fist, which hit his gut.

Blitz: So far, how would you rate this, huh?

I punched him away to create distance between us.

Aero: I'd say......a 6/10. Better than you and Shadow, but never superior to me. Now....

Aero summoned what I'd estimate as 50 or so ice spikes in the air.

Aero: ......let me show you just a taste of my godly power!

Aero pointed his hand outwards, sending them right at us. I incinerated most of them, mainly the ones targeting Blaze. Blaze did the same for me.

Blitz: Our flames will always melt your ice.

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