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"Take your seats quickly, I need to discuss something with the entire class."

Chabashira Sae stood at the front of the class and waited for everyone to settle down.

"Starting from today, your schedule is going to look significantly different to how it has been." she started her explanation and received puzzled looks from the students before her

Ike opened his mouth but instantly closed it again after receiving a glance from Chabashira.

"As you already know, this school is sanctioned and funded by the government and while, as a rule, we are allowed to deal with its management internally, we do sometimes receive orders from the higher-ups."

Chabashira took the controller for the classes' electronic whiteboard from her desk and displayed a graphic on-screen.


Two-Week Schedule

Monday AM - Video Viewing

Monday PM - Free Period

Tuesday - Video Viewing

Wednesday - Regular Classes

Thursday - Video Viewing

Friday - Video Viewing

Saturday - Free Period


This schedule raised numerous questions. What were these videos we would be viewing? Why were we permitted so many free periods? I decided that it would be best to get more information before thinking too much into it.

"This schedule will be starting from today." Chabashira continued her explanation, "We will be going to the gymnasium which has been set up to accommodate an audience viewing."

That must mean that the other classes must be involved too, if this schedule was exclusive to Class D then there would be no need to change venues.

Horikita raised her hand and was recognised, "Does that mean we will be watching these videos with the other classes, sensei?"

As expected Chabashira affirmed her query and then finished off her speech.

"As for the content in the videos, even the teachers are unaware. You will be organised by your classes and the videos will be played by Mashima-sensei once everyone has been seated." she explained, "Oh, and one last thing - we were advised to set up private viewing rooms as we were informed they may be necessary throughout the viewing."

That closing comment caught my attention. Private viewing might be necessary? If this was educational material we would be watching then the chances of needing separate rooms was low. In addition, the teachers themselves were in the dark, pretty much ruling out an educational video. It could be a new scheme the government was testing at the school but surely the teaching staff would be privy to that information. Exactly what content was in these videos?

Chabashira collected her things from her desk and walked to the classroom door,

"Make your way down to the gymnasium in fifteen minutes, by then everything should be set up."

With that, she left, leaving Class D to theorise on this weird situation.

"What is going to be in these videos?" Ike, who had been dying to speak up, posed this question to the class.

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