A Blind Date

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I did not write this, my friend MarellaRedeckTwo did, however she deleted her account but has given me permission to post a few of her stories on my Wattpad page

Keefe's POV

"I'm going on a date tomorrow night," Keefe said one day, marching up to Fitz with a grin.

"You mean you finally asked Sophie out?" Fitz asked.

Keefe laughed. "No way! I'm.. taking a break from her and I'm going on a blind date."

It was Fitz's turn to laugh. "A blind date? Seriously? You're hilarious."

"I'm not kidding! I told uh.. Marella to set me up on a date. I need to get over Sophie. She has you as a friend. How can I compete with you?"

  "Um..." Fitz seemed to be searching for a reason but, seeing how it wouldn't help, he just shrugged. "Whatever, Keefe. Just... Try, on this date. Will you? Last time didn't go so well. Now go."

  "Of course..." Keefe turned away to hide he grin. No way was he giving up on Sophie Freaking Foster, and no way was he asking her out. He was going to kidnap her. That way it would be a blind date. For Sophie at least.

  Keefe began to make his way down the hall, deep in thought and not really paying attention.

"Oof!" A girl yelled, falling to the floor when Keefe ran into her.

"Sorry!" Keefe exclaimed as he too, fell to the ground.

"It's fine," the girl said, and Keefe looked up to see who it was.


"Oh, hey, Keefe. Haven't seen you in a while." she smiled, at him and Keefe's heart did a weird fluttery thing.

"Yeah... I--"

"Are you going over to Everglen today? I'm going over, and I want to be on your team for base quest!"

"Yeah, I'll probably be over there after school," he smile-smirked at her and her eyes seemed to soften a bit.

"I'll see you there then." Sophie then did something so surprising he almst yelped in surprise. She hugged him. And it felt so good because Keefe... never got hugs. Only cold shoulders from his parents, and his friends never really hugged him. Not like how Sophie was hugging him, like he was the Earth and she was the grass or the ocean. And Keefe did something really stupid.

He hugged her back.

In the middle of the Foxfire hallway, where everyone was... he was hugging a girl who he had supposedly given up on.

And then the hug ended just as soon as it started and Sophie smiled at him one last time before running off down the hall.


That night, after hours of base quest with Sophie, Fitz, and Biana, Keefe went back to Candleshade and began to plan, hours and hours of planning.

He would throw a breathable bag over Sophie's head  while she was in the cave she so often went down to alone.

Then he would... He could never get past that part. All he knew was something had to happen.

Suddenly, a somehow familiar voice filled his mind.

   Keefe, the voice said, and Keefe was able to place that it was a girls voice, though he wasn't sure whose. Will you go out with me?

  Keefe's brain felt very scrambled, but even though he didn't know who it was, Keefe still thought back Yes. I will. But who are you?

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