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Something a little different from the other stuff I have up. :) Not sure if/when I'll post the rest of this, but enjoy!


In Ruxalia, solitude was death. But Firu, who was no gambler, walked alone and did not fear. She was unarmed, her burden light, her step steady and untroubled despite the bitter wind.

And when the shadows of the trees bent toward her in the dimming light and quiet enveloped her in an icy cloak, she bared her teeth in a smile.

“Come,” she murmured.

No response materialized, save for the whisper of her own breath escaping her lips in a puff of white. Above her, bare branches leaned down in a half-formed embrace. She stretched her arms out as if to welcome them. Closed her eyes.

She spoke again, louder this time. “I know you’re there.”

They had followed her across the frozen rivers and through the tangled dark forests of the eastern hills. Common bandits, she had thought at first, but bandits would not have been so persistent, and the border watch would not have been so obvious or inefficient. In the end she’d taken pity on them, if only out of curiosity, and slowed her pace.

Only idiots would have kept following her after that.

Idiots with purpose.

Sure enough, this time they took the bait. Footsteps crunched against the snow, stopping a careful distance away.

A woman’s voice rang out. “We know why you’ve come north, Keeper!”

This gave her pause. But even with her back turned, Firu refused to let her surprise show. “Do tell. I hardly know myself.”

She’d not bothered to figure out the reason for the summons. Quicker to find out in person. So she’d dropped everything and come running north at once like some obedient dog, though it had been years since she last stepped foot in Ruxalia, and she hadn’t planned on amending that for another few years yet. In fact, she’d been right in the middle of a job...

“Don’t play the fool!”

Oh well. Voiding contracts was always a pain, but she’d stockpiled enough credit that her reputation could probably take the blow. At least now she was finally convinced it would be worth it. Only something big could have brought these worms out of the woodwork.

“So who’re you with?” she asked breezily. “The League? The Empire? The IMA?”

This time it was a man who spoke, one with an odd five-armed cross inked on his cheek. “Do not associate us with such filth! We are the chosen, the true —”

“Don’t waste your breath on the heretic!” snapped the woman.

They spoke Ruxalian with a regional accent Firu couldn’t place. Which really didn’t make it any easier for her to decide whether they were joking or not, considering the typical northern sense of humor.

The third idiot — another man — spoke at last. “Enough! Just give us the Seal!”

Despite herself, Firu’s heart skipped a beat. All her senses drew into focus.

“The Seal?” she repeated.

The wind rose and fell in response to her voice.

“We know you’ve found it! Now hand it over!”

“Hmm. And if I don’t?”

“You’re alone,” growled the woman, as if that were reason enough.

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