21."Darkness Embraced"

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It's beyond me for how long i have been sitting here, my knees hugging my chest, my back resting on window, eyes fixed over ceiling snow fall had stopped shadow of sun was peeking through the gray clouds for last salute of the day before disappear...

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

It's beyond me for how long i have been sitting here, my knees hugging my chest, my back resting on window, eyes fixed over ceiling snow fall had stopped shadow of sun was peeking through the gray clouds for last salute of the day before disappearing into western sky half snow melted and half stayed sitting there on ceiling above like some stubborn child.

When will i be free to go home? Away form here away from him once i will be free i will forget him like a nightmare, i groaned rubbing my neck which began hurting because of sitting like this whole afternoon, i got up not able to feel my legs and sighed dolefully, i dragged my legs to bathroom i gasped as splash of water touched my face, i looked into mirror resting my hands both side of water basin sink, my eyes were red blood shot, my entire face was puffed, i sighed audibly and walked back in room, i saw book laying on nightstand taking northanger Abbey from nightstand, i sat on bed keeping my back to bed behind me, and embarked reading in order to distract my mind from him.

I groaned as i hear knock i gradually opened my eyes i looked around the room, i must have fall asleep at some point while reading another knock got my attention. "Yes?" "Adira dear come and have dinner." Maria's mellow voice called back, dinner? I furrowed my eyebrows, i looked behind me out it was already dark outside what time is it? "It's half past nine dear." Maria answered as if heard my thought. "You must be hungry Adira." Maria added sweetly. It's so rude that I'm not inviting her in but i wanted to be alone for some time, i stood up from bed and got the door opened and gave Maria half hearted smile. "Sorry Maria I'm not hungry." I apologized offering her apologetic smile, she studied my face for a minute then nodded and left.

I sighed and shut the door, i need to change and should go to bed, i chose dark green v neck shirt and white striped pajamas, i crept on bed and lay down facing ceiling the night sky was dull black stars were remote pinpricks. Again i found myself thinking about what today happened, why is he like this? Rude arrogent and selfish, he didn't tried to understand my pain, doesn't he has mother...? Why is he stony-hearted? And Maria thinks he likes me "hm." She is a good woman a good person always sees good in everyone, she must have thought he cares for me but he only cares for his purpose related to me, i turned my body to left sighing now facing book shelf that i haven't touched ever.

I hope mom did well, i hope she is fine i wish i could have talked to mom atleast my mind can be at ease right now, i turned to right side sliding my palm under my cheek and ear, i closed my eyes wanting to sleep, i tossed and turned for some time, i sighed looking at sky, i sat up on bed i wasn't really able to sleep. I scanned the whole room and there was nothing that could keep me busy, i got up from bed and left the room as i entered living room i met with pin drop silence, this penthouse is literally huge, i can walk here until i feel drowsy. I rubbed my hands together and embarked walking to and fro in living in empty space aside of goodly couches.

My feet put a stop on track hearing hiccups, what was that...? I frowned, i stood still for hearing properly but nothing hit my ears, i breathed my head playing tricks on me because of not sleeping, i rubbed my forehead with my fingers it was a bad idea to walk here i should go back in room and wait for sleep to occur to me, i turned towards my room, my eyes snapped up feet froze, as manly cry echoed everywhere making my steps stuck on the spot.

Audacious Love ✔️ (Vice In The Obsidian World Book #1)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat