Author's Note

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Well Blimey!

I promised myself I'd stay away from Wattpad because SCHOOL! but noooo!!! I still have #SGWB to write and I was telling my partner-in-writering that I should put it on hiatus and here I go suddenly being ambushed by this idea in the middle of Finance homework. (bleurgh! boo! balderdash!)

I don't really know when I will upload chapters so if this seems like your cuppa then go ahead and Add to Reading List *nudge, nudge, wink, wink* and you will be notified when I do. I promise I will try to upload it as soon as I can.

This will not be a very long story (I hope) and you will love it! (I hope)

Disclaimer - Harry Potter, his friends, family, enemies, ancestors and descendants... and knickers with broom motifs, jumpers, socks, chocolate frog card collection... are all the property of the infallible Jo Rowling.

All I own is the plot. *sad panda*


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