Chapter 1: Mine, Mine, and Only Mine!

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At midnight. Eve of summer vacation, in Villach, Austria. In the abandoned and not known catacombs of the dark ages below the Grozljivo high school grounds, where rats and insects roam freely, filled with the corpses of the prisoners held captive and the instruments used to torture them in the hundreds of rooms there. Far away, the screams of a disoriented senior year student, Lisa, are heard. Tied up in a dark room by a surprisingly familiar person to her.

LISA: Why? Why are you doing this? Please, help!

UNKNOWN: (Laughing) You still wanna play like you do not know? You cunning, witch!

LISA: I've told you! I don't know what you're talking about, Thomas! Let me go!

THOMAS: (Grinding his teeth) Go? You wanna leave ME? So you can go and see your little boy, Elijah? (Grabs a bag covered in blood). Well, I'm sorry to break it to you, but you cannot see him ever again! (Gets Elijah's decapitated head out of the bag and throws it at her face)

LISA: (Gasping loudly) Wha... Elijah! You monster! How could yo...

As she cannot hold it anymore and throws up at the sight of the beheaded remains of her friend, Thomas takes a syringe out of his pocket and points it at her.

LISA: What is that? Thomas! Don't you dare get close to me!! (She yells at him as she tries to get away)


Thomas grabs Lisa by her hair and injects the content of the syringe.

LISA: Wha... what do you me... Thomas... NO!!! (Yells as she passes out)

After a few hours. Tied up and hanging, Lisa wakes up disoriented, in the darkness of the room where she is being held captive, only able to feel the cold air she is breathing.

LISA: He... Hello? Is anybody... there? CAN ANY... HELP ME! I... I...

Before she could say anything, a door opens behind Lisa as she hears footsteps slowly approaching her.

THOMAS: Did you miss me, my love? (whispers into her ear)

LISA: Thomas! Why... can't I feel anything? What did you do to me?

THOMAS: Do not despair, dear, it's only the effect of the anesthesia I provided you. Soon you will feel your body again (Thomas laughs subtly) you will feel much more than that...

Lisa can't help but tremble at Thomas's hideous laugh. Soon, Thomas stands in front of her and puts a candle on the table next to him, and before Lisa could say anything, Thomas takes a plate full of raw meat soaked in blood.

LISA: (With a fearful voice) Thomas... What's that? Do you want to make me eat that shit!?

THOMAS: (Laughs loudly) No, I would never do that, this is for me. I'm a little bit hungry, you know? But my dear, it seems that you haven't realized it yet, why don't you look down and see the magnificent gift I've prepared for you?

In awe, Lisa slowly looks down and is stunned at the sight of what Thomas has done to her body. Lisa tries to scream, but words won't come out of her mouth, she tries to move, but her body is still numb. Instantly, Lisa remembers the plate of raw meat Thomas was feasting on and thinks about the inevitable. And after a few seconds of silence, the first words come out of his mouth...

LISA: Thomas... is that... my skin?

THOMAS: BINGO! So you guessed it, my love!!! In fact, it is your skin. While you were sleeping so soundly, I thought of giving you a surprise, so I took this peeler and peeled off your belly skin. Gently and slowly while drooling over how delicious it looked, you can't imagine how hard it was not to eat it all straight from you.

Scared, disgusted, and in unimaginable pain, Lisa begins to shake and writhe, vomiting blood and crying. Screaming is what she most wanted to do at that moment, but not a sound came out of her mouth. Lisa couldn't stop thinking about the things that Thomas could do to her, he terrified her, she hated him and even desired to kill him in the most violent way possible.

Lisa stared at Thomas with a look of hatred and murderous intent as she endured the pain of her wounds.

THOMAS: What? What's with that look? Don't you fucking dare look at me like that or I'll make you regret it!!! You can do nothing, you cannot escape from me, you cannot run, you cannot hide, you cannot yell and much less LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT!

As Thomas got angrier and angrier at Lisa's defiant look, he decides to take one of the weapons he kept in the torture chamber and approaches Lisa rapidly.

THOMAS: It seems that I've been really soft with you, it seems that I've been going easy with your punishment, but it's okay. Now, I'll show you what is true terror, true suffering, true pain. I'll show you how bad I can be, I'll take away all hope, all will to live or any other thoughts you have, I'll turn you into a doll that only responds to my orders, I'll make you live in an eternal hell. Remember these words Lisa, YOU-ARE-MINE!

Thomas states as he strikes a heavy blow on Lisa's head, causing her a concussion and knocking her unconscious.

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