Chapter 1- Sunset

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Sunset.. When heaven's light is slowly consumed by the darkness of night.

Back then so many centuries ago,  Earth was a dangerous place to live in where man lived in fear of the elements which they claim to have soulfully mastered.

The elements were primal beasts of terror which man could never have hoped to tame, ruling over mankind through sheer destructive force. Slowly diminishing earth's resources and the population of our kind. The situation looked bleak and there was no assurance of survival.

Mankind was unsure of how the beasts beasts came to be, where they came from or why they were here on earth..

but there was one thing that we were sure of...

we weren't going to go down without a fight

In an all-or-nothing battle against the elements we brought in every single warrior we could scavenge and then some for the fight which would decide the fate of mankind.

among the brave warriors were two young boys. Young and frail, they looked barely of age to be warriors. They had lost their only mother who had raised them on her own when their father had left them when they were young.

They had joined the battle in hopes of avenging their mother and in hope that mankind could still be saved. But as the battle led on.. hopes for victory seemed to grow darker and darker..

 Arrows flew and fell and man's blades seemed to prove ineffective against the monsters

The fire element Ignis nearly incinerated half the battalion letting loose volcanic eruptions and gigantic explosions , while the earth beast Terra of  opened great chasms causing countless men to fall to their deaths  into the its dark abyss.

The restless Ventus sent countless warriors flying with its violent cyclones and gusts of wind ripping through armor while Aqua let loose devastating waves and tsunamis, drowning many of the men.

Mankind was losing.

amidst the destruction were two brother who looked too weak.. Too frail to be warriors. They lay there paralyzed with fear. For they had front row seats for upcoming extinction of mankind. The unwelcomed silence was uncomfortable when younger of the two brothers said to the other.

Younger Brother: " I can't take it anymore what chance to we stand against th-these Monster? With he level of power they're displaying right now they're basically GODS!!"

Elder Brother: "..."

Younger Brother: "  i just want this to end.. this war, this.. wild goose chase for mankind's survival. we're never going to make it.. i just want to see mom again."

Elder Brother: " Brother.."

Younger Brother: "Yes?"

Elder Brother: " Do you remember mother's smile?"

Younger Brother: "of course.. all too well brother."

Elder Brother: "She didn't need to die right?"

Younger Brother: " No she didn't."

Elder Brother. "Well neither do these people. If we don't stand up and fight right now more innocent lives will be lost. So come on brother stand up and  fight. Fight for the world and for the life we fight so hard just to live for. If we give up will there even be a world where a mother can smile to her children??"

Younger Brother: " Yo-you're right brother .. i shall stand up and fight for manki- BROTHER LOOK OUT!!"

The monstrous beast Ignis had come upon the two brother and was about to bring down it's massive arm upon them

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2016 ⏰

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