The Hand of God

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The Hand of God

Name: Frank White

Age: 45

Height: 1.82m

Weight: 70kg

Nationality: American

Occupation: TV Evangelist

            Hans Jaeger had taken the red eye flight to Chicago.  He wanted to be in and out as soon as possible.  Jaeger hated Chicago, as he hated most American cities.  He enjoyed staying in Europe, especially in his native Germany.  To get him to take a job in America would require a larger fee then anywhere else, but he was the best at what he did, so the contracts still came in.

            This was going to be a discreet hit, he didn't know who ordered it, and he didn't care.  That's where Jaeger came in.  Discreet, professional, fast.  32 confirmed kills, no leads gained by law enforcement around the world, no escapes from his targets.  The only person who knew his true identity was his handler.

            His next target was TV Evangelist Frank White.   Leader of one of the fastest growing churches in America, former adviser to the Governor, millionaire.  All was right in the world of Frank White until a couple weeks ago.  Frank White had started making statements about the end of the world.  The end was in exactly 4 months, and for $19.95 you can know exactly what you need to do to get into heaven.  The media had a field day with it, making Frank White and the Governor the laughingstock of America.  Frank White was let go as adviser faster then a fart in the wind.  The Governor was the republican candidate for President in November, so he cut all ties with Frank White.   That didn't stop the radio ads, the door to door converts, billboards all along the highways.  If anything they increased afterwards.

            Now someone wanted Frank White gone.  Jaeger didn't know who the client was.  The Governor who continued to be embarrassed?  A rival church?  Maybe a rich eccentric who was just annoyed?  It didn't matter.  The contract was paid for; Frank White was as good as dead.

           His target was in Chicago for the night to give a speech on the upcoming apocalypse.  He might have become the late night comedians joke, but his church's membership had grown by leaps and bounds.  There was an almost excitement, like the night before Christmas, from his converts.  They had sold their houses, emptied their bank accounts, given it all to the church, for them to get their message out there.  After the speech he was staying in a five star hotel for the night, before leaving to New York in the morning.  Just enough time for Jaeger to send him to heaven early.

            Jaeger rented a Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG coupe.  Usually he liked to be more inconspicuous on his jobs, but he was feeling good about this one, after all, it was just some puffed up reverend.   The usual jobs were drug kingpins, Mafioso, or political big wigs with bodyguards out of the ying yang.  The reverend's bodyguard was his money grubbing God who was too busy ending the world in four months.  It was nice to have an easy target, and the pay off for this job was great, enough to retire if he wanted.    No one was expecting this to happen from what Jaeger was told by his handler.  Frank White was a clown, not a real threat to anyone, so why the hit?

            Jaeger's plan was to go straight up to Frank White's room, enter, and pop him two times in the head.  Leave, catch a plane, and be flying over the Atlantic when they found Frank White's body in the morning. 

            Jaeger pulled up to the front of the hotel.  He had a room reserved under a fake name for the night, paid for by an Irish mother living in Dublin's credit card.  No electronic leads back to him.    A  valet walked around the front of the car to his side, then opened the door for him.  As Jaeger got out, he glanced at the valet.  Something about the him caught Jaeger's eye, and he took a second look.  The valet was unusual.  He was an older man, refined looking, like he should be sitting behind a desk delegating duties.  Jaeger thought he had seen him before.  The valet winked, grabbed the keys and slid behind the wheel.

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