the lonely triceratops

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it was 4 p.m. when the birds started chirping. i stare at the clouds, legs swaying over the steep hill beneath. the breeze was cold yet so comforting to the heart. my mind wanders off to the airplane that flew across the sky,

how did it get there?

my thoughts were interrupted by a crackling noise near the the tall trees.


it's dream, my favoritite person in the entire world; my best friend.

"took you long enough, i was starting to lose my mind."

he rolled his eyes and put up a smile. i grinned over his reaction and pat a 'seat' next to me. his jeans found comfort over the vibrant grass as he curls his knees and hugged them tight.

"so, what are we going to do?" dream asked.

"we don't have to do anything. we can just, enjoy the view."

my gaze turns to his emerald eyes. it was even better under the sun.

his eyes were the one thing i missed the most. how mesmerizing it is, how it looks ethereal under the sun, how it would sparkle whenever he smile and just, beautiful.

i smiled as his eyes found mine. we stare at each other like we have something very interesting on our faces. at least he does.

and there it goes, dream starts smiling wide and his eyes sparkled.

how did he do that?

his smile turns into laughter, and we start burst out laughing like we heard the funniest joke ever said.

"but seriously sapnap, let's do something. we haven't hung out in a while.

i missed you."

i smiled, "i'm here."

i opened my arms for a big hug, which resulted in him completely tackling me to the ground.

his scent. the deep rosey scent that i missed so much. i had none left of it other than the sweater he left last time he came over, which was a year ago. as delusional as i might sound, i wore it everyday until the scent was fully gone, that's how much i missed him. but did he feel the same way?

i doubt it.

he laid his chin on my shoulders, his body pressing me down to the ground. we hugged for, i don't know how long. but what i know, i don't want it to end. i smiled as i absentmindedly ruffle through his hair. his hair smells like cotton candy. his hug tightens when my hands stopped. i never want this to end, i want this, forever.

though as they all would say, good things never last. he climbed off of me and laid next to me.

with our eyes on the clear blue sky, blobs of clouds scattered all over the place, i feel his knuckles brushed off of mine. it hurts my heart to know that i could never hold that hand the way i want it. and he could never hold mine the same way, the same reason as i want to. the pain never ends. sometimes it lingers longer than it should be.

"it's so pretty today."

i moved my head to look at his face. i really don't see the flaws. i'd say that what makes him even more beautiful. he hated himself. but he has never seen it this way, and i wish he could see what i see. i just want to kiss all the scars and marks away if it makes him happy. but he's perfect just the way he is.

"it is," i said with a content smile.

"oh look," he said pointing out the clouds over to the left, "that one looks like a peach."

i noticed the one next to it looks like a tiny brontosaurus. dream loves dinosaurs, he even got a tattoo of a t-rex skeleton on his left thigh.

"it does, the one next to it looks like a dinosaur."

dream gasped, covering his mouth in the process, "a brontosaurus!"

i can't help but giggle over his little obsession. it was always dinosaurs. socks, t-shirts, pajamas, even nuggets.

he strictly believe that brontosaurus loves to hang out with triceratops, even though it's hard for them to see each other. that is if dinosaurs were even real. he'd kill me if i said that.

i'd see myself as the lonely triceratops, looking at the world from the bottom, through the bad and ugly. but i'll always look up at the most beautiful brontosaurus in front of me. the one that lives their life so tall and grand, the one that sees the world clearly, the way everyone should.

the one that would tell me how amazing the world is, how amazing life is, and how there are so many things that we are missing, so many things to do, and yet we're stuck in here, under the invisible bubble life has given us.

i wish i can break it, i wish i can break out of it and take him with me. enjoy the world the way we should be, live life the way we all should.

we laid there in silence, as the sky turns into a blend of orange and blue, a beautiful masterpiece from mother nature. we watch the sunset-at least he did. none of us said anything, and none of us have to.

it was never awkward with him. we never had an odd silence, it was always filled with something, or nothing other than us comforting each other nonverbally.

love doesn't have to be shown verbally, love doesn't have to be acknowledged. you can love someone without telling them, and they would understand. at least that's what i'm trying to believe anyway.

soft yellow glow shined over us, as i tried to look at the pretty sky. i swear i did. but someone is way better to look at right now.

have i told you that his eyes looks pretty?

whenever i get lost in his eyes, it feels like the world is all empty. no one else exists, it's just dream and me.

two best friends, enjoying each other's company; except one of them can't stop looking at the other.

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