Chapter 1: She's beauty, she's Grace, beware! She'll eat your sandwich!

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Damian's POV

I was really worried. And it takes a lot to get me, Damian Wayne, worried.
But today is the day...

No, not the 'we are going to see Mount Justice for the first time' day.
That one is Graysons.

I was going to meet Percy's godly family.

"I'm sure they'll like you" Grayson said, trying to lift my mood. I scoffed at his poor attempt to make me any less worried, or yes, scared.

"Sure. It's not like they can blast me with one thought" I said and sat back down in my chair.
Grayson sighed "Percy's there. She'll make sure that they won't"

"It's supposed to be the other way round. The boy protecting the girl. Although Percy can take care of herself." I said thinking of my wonderful girlfriend.

No, I didn't turn soft.
Okay, maybe a little.
Fine! I did.

"You there, Dami?" Grayson said and snapped his fingers in front of my nose.
I swatted his hand away and stood up to continue pacing.

I muttered an almost silent 'don't call me Dami'
but I had other things to worry about.

"You think she'll like it?" I asked unsurely.
"She will. Don't worry about it."

I gave him my 'are you kidding me' look.
He gave me a reassuring smile in return.

Okay, let me recap.
Me and Percy had been together for two years now...
And I was ready to finally do it (No you dirty minded people)


"Do we really have to do this?" I asked as she pulled, more like dragged, me to her father's palace.

"Yes" she said determinedly. "You promised! And you have to hold it!"

I sighed and pouted. She grinned and kissed my nose. "Now come on" she said and continued dragging me.

"Your majesty" The guards said and bowed as they spotted us.

She sent them a small smile as we passed them.

She then guided me threw different corridors. This was more of maze than the Wayne manor was.

"You should see the Labyrinth" she said as if she had just read my thoughts "but it's not a place I would recommend. Like never, unless you have a death wish"

I snorted and she raised an eyebrow.
She suddenly stopped walking and I came face to face with a door. A metal door. Thank you so much for the warning!

Percy put a hand over her mouth to stop herself from laughing, but she failed miserably. She laughed so hard tears built up in her eyes.

I was sitting on the ground, with crossed arms and probably looked like a five year old, whose favorite toy was just taken away.

She wiped her tears away and stretched out a hand to me. I took it.

"Stop acting like a child, you should make a good first impression" she said.
"I thought I already made a good first impression?" I asked.

She rolled her eyes "You know what I mean. Now in we go before my family thinks we dropped dead on the way here."

I grumbled. The doors were opened and we entered a gigantic room. Four thrones were placed besides each other.

Three of them were filled, the last one belonged to Percy.

I bowed as I entered, showing respect to the three powerful gods in front of me. Lord Poseidon nodded his head at me and smiled at his daughter.

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