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"you have two options! One let him go so we will help him to pursue his dreams and he will have great future and he will have our money! Option two keep him yourself then he won't have a single penny from us and have to cut all relationship with us and be with you and live a poor life just like you"

"I...i..will let him go.."


"Why do you want to break up with me??"

"I never loved you! I was with you for your money but you gave up on money so now i gave up on you!"

"I hate you!!'

*Monday morning 7.15*

Waking up from a deep sleep by my alarm! I turned around to the place next to me on bed next to me was empty.

I walked out of my bed walking straight to my bathroom getting fresh up going to Livingroom.

"Good morning" i said smiling walking towards the kitchen opening the fridge taking milk and pouring it in my glass.

"What are you two doing there silently?" I asked again as they both didn't even respond to me.

"Kiseo?? Are you ignoring mommy now?" I whined as my 6 years ago daughter was ignoring me

"Wait a minute mommy! Mom is helping me to finish my homework!" My daughter whined

"Yahhh Paddu are you helping her again?? Stop doing her homework!!" I yelled at both of my friend and my daughter.

"Almost completed unnie! Poor kiseo how can she do all this by herself!!" Paddu replied.

"All done baby now go and fresh up mom will drop you off at school!" Paddu replied as kiseo picked her books and runned towards her room.

"Paddu you don't have to do all this! Already you did so much for us!" I said with guilty feeling.

"You are my senior and my well wisher and my one and only family! How can i not help you! Only if kiseo's father were there for you i didn't have to worry about you! That jerk!!" Paddu cursed.

"Paddu it's not his mistake you know right?" I said walking away.

"Never mind I know you still love him! No matter what I say you won't listen I'm going to get ready! Evening me and kiseo are going out tonight we will be late! Don't wait for us ! I'll pick her up today!" Paddu said walking towards her room

"Paddu you are spoiling her too much!! Didn't you both went out last week??" I glared at her but she just show me her tongue and left.

"My name is Sweety, I'm 26 years. My parents disowned me after knowing i got pregnant before marriage, I used to work in a boutique Because of some reasons that boutique closed. Now I'm going for a job interview"

The girl just now is my best friend paddu! Even though she is Younger than me she helped me when I was homeless,she took care of me when pregnancy period and after delivery! She is a orphan. So basically we both are each other's family! Kiseo my 6 years old daughter! She is the only reason that I'm alive now! Kim yeon Seo! I'm lucky to have her! At first joining the school she used to ask about her father so much! I told her that her father is angry at mumma and left us! After that she stopped asking about her father! She thinks she has two moms because of me, both of them are Struggling

I did a mistake few years ago! It's a mistake that changed my life! Anyway past is past kiseo is his gift to me which i will cherish for my rest of the life..hope he is doing well like i expected!

I smiled letting my tears fall down " i hope i Don't Meet you again! I can't show you my face!" I talked with myself getting ready for the interview.

Kim enterprises one of the biggest company in Seoul. I heard that they are conducting interviews for a personal assistant. tough competition but will try if i able to get that job I'll able to provide best life to my daughter and my friend!

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