High School Sweethearts - 4 (The Infamous Playboy)

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You managed to get to school without being late. 

  The class was pretty noisy. There were groups of girls gossiping, boys talking about their dates from last Sunday, and some quiet kids just minding their own business. You sat at the middle leftmost seat, which was beside the window, showing off the colorful scenery outside as if it was painted by a skilled artist.

Cedric soon arrived sat on the chair beside you, neither of you spoke anything, until...

  "Hey, Y/N. You wanna hang out today after class?" An annoying but familiar voice came in front of you.

You looked up and immediately recognized him. 

  Axel, basically the stereotypical infamous player from your school. Gets any girl he wants, soon dumps them for a new interest. Even if he does that frequently, numerous girls still fall for him and would kill to be his girlfriend, even for just a day.

  You on the other hand, keeps on rejecting his offers. Don't get me wrong, there are still some girls that would definitely reject him, but you're famous for your beauty and talent at playing the piano, so he seems to be really interested in you.

  Even after rejecting him for MILLIONS of times, he doesn't seem to give up. Instead, your rejection seems to fuel his ambition up of taking you out on a date.

  Not gonna lie, he's really handsome, but that player attitude of his is just wasting his good looks and the chance of you going on a date with him.

  Actually, no. Cedric is still better than him, both in attitude and appearance. Wait, why are you even thinking about comparing them together like that? The memories must have made you feel more comfortable and biased to him.

  "Ooooooooooh, someone's catching feelings and denying it by blaming on something else~," 520 teased.

'...You didn't need to say that'

  Axel noticed that you're not saying anything and decided to ask again, "So, what's your answer, beautiful?"

  "I was thinking on how to reject you so that you'll finally leave me alone. Plus, I have to practice after school for the performance this Friday," you smiled sweetly while coldly said the words in his face.

  When Cedric saw you smiling at him like that, his chest ached. He's been eavesdropping and knows you're rejecting Axel but, seeing you smile like that to another guy hurts him so bad. 

  He wish he could just take your hand right now and run away together so no one else is present in both of your lives, not even your families.

  He quickly shakes the thought out of his head. He DID imagine the possible scenarios that could happen between you and him, but they're not quite as possessive as this one. He assumed that the thought emerged because he didn't sleep well yesterday night. Something in his head, while laying in his bed, just kept on reminding him about your sudden change of behavior at him the day before.

To My Heart's Desire (M! Yandere x F! Reader) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now