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The Davis Clan- 1

A criminal's tale, 102 and 119.

Disclaimer: All the places in the story may not be real. So, we would like if you cooperated with us.

Chapter 1: Scalp

New York, Brandon Road, St. Stephen School, 1:53 pm.

"The Chola dynasty was a Tamil empire of southern India, one of the longest-ruling dynasties in the world's history. The earliest datable references to the Chola are in inscriptions..."

"Oh, this boring lecture..."

"Why is this chatterbox our history teacher?"

"Yeah" gossiped the backbenchers.

"From the 3rd century BCE left by Ashoka, of the Maurya Empire."

"Can you just give your period proxy to games sir?" one of the worst behaviour teens yelled.

"But, why? See how interesting 'Cholas Empire' is" said professor.

"Oh, come on! This is more boring than 'Jelly's Café'..."

School bell rang, it was over. All the children ran to their homes. Hummed professor.

The whole school was quiet. No chattering, fighting, shouting at all. Professor went to the balcony. Sat there. Enjoying the peaceful view until 'Jordon Carly' the school's peon came and said "Professor? Principal's calling all the teachers right now. I think it is quite serious". "Ok"

Professor walked slowly to the principal's office. What could be so serious? A child had got an injury. There would be planning of fun fair. Or planning for smart school. Or a teacher is being expelled from school. Thought professor.

Finally, he came in the hallway of meeting.

"Why are you so late?" asked principal.

"I'm sorry sir"

All the teachers were there waiting for him. He felt ashamed of himself.

"Sir?" "Yes?"

"Sir, what topic we are going to discuss about?" asked the professor.

"Well, there are a lot of complaints about a teacher," said principal.

He was totally sure that it would be about Joe Jack. He always annoyed and ashamed the professor. Also, he beat the children in his class too badly.

Some children had got red hand spots on face, hand, back etc.

Or it could be Marky Janson. He always ate the lunches of the kids even though it was bitter gourd or broccoli.

Or it could be Tom Monopole. Everyone calls him Monopoly sir. He had complaints that he plays monopoly in between a class.

"Sir, who is that person?"

"Oh, look who's asking! Be the thief and say I was the one who's bag was stolen!" said principal in a horrible tough voice.

Huh? Nobody understood what he said.

"Sir, we didn't understand," said professor.

"Fool! It's you!" principal yelled as louder as he could be.

WHAT!! It can't be me. Thought the professor. "I think you're mistaken. It should be someone else"

"NO! It's only you!"


How is it possible? Thought professor.

"But sir I teach them like a spectacular one"

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