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Margo Roth Spiegelman added another book to her pile in her hands. She stood inside of "Barnes and Nobles". She loved books and music too much for her own good, and was constantly buying vinyl records and books. Margo read the back of "The Selection" and carefully put the series in the basket.

Quentin Jacobsen and his friends, sat outside the bookstore, eating ice cream.
He talked, but was distant. He excused himself and walked into the bookstore.

He was more a fan of video games, but walked to the book section nonetheless. Margo sat there, reading "The Maze Runner" in a small chair, sipping the cold lemonade. Q looked at her, and turned away. Her icy blue eyes scanned the pages, and her chestnut brown hair was pulled into a messy fishtail braid.

"Um, do you, by any chance know, um, any good books?" He stuttered.

"Um... The Maze Runner series is amazing. I'm re-reading it. The Hunger Games series is also amazing." She checked off books she liked in her mind and smiled at him. "Yeah. All the other ones... They're pretty... girly." She laughed.

He smiled and picked up a copy of a The Maze Runner and The Hunger Games.

He started to walk away, but Margo's voice stopped him.

"Wait!" He whipped around.

"Margo." She said.

"What?" He asked.

"Margo. My name is Margo." She said.

Q smiled. "Well, Margo. I'm Quentin, but everyone calls me Q."

"See you around, Q." She smiled.

"Right back at cha'." And he walked away, Margo in his mind, as she was the only thing he could think of.

Shaking her head and laughing, Margo opened her book back up again, and got lost in James Dashner's typed words once again.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2015 ⏰

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