Prelude and Introduction (+ TWs)

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WARNING! This book is a very mature one and not for those easily disturbed or disgusted. Anyone with serious triggers related to blood, gore, emotional and physical trauma and violence are strongly suggested to avoid this book. TW for: blood, aggressive gore, murder, off page sexual assault, off page prostitution, circus and clown themes, swearing, kidnapping, parental abuse, mental instability, child abuse, torture, human trafficking, slavery, anxiety and depression. 

But if you're looking for a book filled with love and lust, circus performances, dazzling shows, hot men in masks, dangerous stunts, guy falls first romance, gambling, kidnap and rescue, race against the clock, found family, broody and gorgeous teenagers, runaway royals, glamorous circus outfits and a whole lot of creepy clowns, read on... 

(AND ANOTHER THING. HOLY CHRIST THIS ISN'T A DREAM FANFICTION. STOP SAYING THAT IT IS. HE WEARS A MASK BUT ITS DEFINITELY NOT WITH A SMILE. Okay, read on. Repeat, this is NOT a DSMP fanfic. If you're a horny ass dream stan, go look somewhere else.)


She is a royal runaway, pushing away her emotions and raging against her oppressive family. When her best friend is kidnapped, she finally takes the opportunity to break free and save her, no matter the cost. 

He is a circus performer, entertaining the guests and playing jokes without ever breaking his smile. He seems to be the happiest man on earth... but what secrets could be hiding behind that mask of his? And can a certain brooding teenager manage to see through it? 

Both are hurting in their own ways. Both want out of their lives. Both manage to save each other. But can they now save themselves from the deadly circus of morbid games that threatens them both? 

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