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GATRIA BREATHE out as she healed the last wounded hunter who took part in defending the town from monsters. Apparently, no one could heal multiple people at the same time aside for the high priests from the Holy Theocracy, so to avoid the reverent gaze of the people she healed as if she was a miracle worker, she left the town's plaza and sat on a bench hidden from everyone.

Now alone, Gatria took a deep breath and sighed. She never thought that she would use her essence to heal human hunters and soldiers. She wanted to ask herself what was she thinking, but the truth was, she didn't know as well. Her body just moved on its own accord and the next thing she knew, she was healing them.

It was as if someone compelled her to. But she knew there was no one. It was her decision to move, she just couldn't accept that she did.

"Someone's looking gloomy."

Gatria raised her head and immediately eased up when he saw Drago in front of her. As if naturally, Gatria used her essence to heal the cut on Drago's arm. "I think Treven is in need of punishment. He didn't protect you well."

Drago chuckled. "It's just a cut. And I think Treven was chased by a scorpion earlier. He said he was traumatized."

Gatria wanted to roll her eyes so much at Treven. "Knowing him, he's just probably saying that to get Zarek's sympathy."

"I think so too. He looks unperturbed that he was chased— well, until Zarek arrived." Silence fell on them until Drago motioned his hand on the bench Gatria was sitting on. "May I... sit with you?"

Gatria nodded.

With Gatria's permission, that was the only time Drago moved to sit beside Gatria.

"Were you always this gentleman?" Gatria asked teasingly when Drago carefully took a seat beside her. "I never noticed. I always thought you were a brute."

"Maybe you just... didn't look my way long enough to notice." Drago said in a low voice.

"I guess..." Gatria gracefully raised her hand and with a playful flick, vines and flowers adorned Drago's wrist and arms. "Hmm. Suits you."

Drago slightly raised his adorned arm as if inspecting it, then afterwards, he carefully unwrapped the vines around his arm together with the flowers. He was very careful to the point that even Gatria was impressed that he didn't break anything.

And before Gatria's astonished eyes, Drago made a flower crown out of the vines and flowers and then when he was finished, he gently placed it on her head and he smiled.

"There. It suits you more."

Gatria's lips parted for a second before a teasing smile appeared on her lips. "Isn't this sautéing me in my own lard?"

Drago chuckled before he become serious. "I can make the most magnificent flower crown for you... if you let me."

That made Gatria raised her eyebrows. "I actually want to see that."

"But you can't, am I right?"

Gatria stared at Drago. If one could read the look in the depth of her eyes, one could tell that she was not as dense as she appeared to be. But when she smiled, everything disappeared. "Maybe after everything is settled." She slightly leaned at Drago as if trying to read him as she stared at his handsome face. "That's okay, right? I mean, you're a Dragon. A decade or so is just a blink of an eye for you."

Drago didn't pull away from Gatria's gaze. "Patience is my strongest suit."

And Gatria never doubt that. Not even for a second. "That settles it then. And maybe, when that time comes, we will fight again and I will win of course. And as for my prize, I will ask you to show me your dragon form. I'm curious."

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