Chapter 2 -Ryo pov-

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It is the fear that is filling the air this time that wakes me from my slumber. I roll my eyes at weak rogues as the patrols walk them past my cell. Unable to resist the urge, I spin and snap my jaw at the bars. Grinning wickedly as the rogues jump back. Yanking their sliver shackles, cringing down as it jostled against their skin.
The guards snicker and prode them forward none the less. Normally no one enters my cell room but tonight is special. I can sense someone strong currently fighting in the pit.
I stretch down, reaching my front paws all the way out before curling up in the corner of the cage. I know there is a world out there, but here, surrounded by blood and death, is my world. Soild stone wraps around half the cell and blocks out everything.
The front length of my resting space is blessed silvers bars as thick as my snout. The only thing I can't bite through, they haven't had to upgrade them inawhile. The side wall at the opposite end is a heavily fortified gate that opens leading to the fighting arena.
I hear unfamiliar foot steps approaching steadily, flicking my ears back I focus on the sound. Very light steps, must be a small build. A female perhaps? I sniff the air but remain facing with my back to the bars.
No, not a female, male. A weak one at that. He approaches my cell, stopping a mere arm's length away from it. I remain unfazed, this creature is not even worth acknowledgement. I can feel his stare drilling into my back and after awhile it became increasingly harder to ignore.
I twist sunddenly and lunge into bars. A snarl rips from my throat, ignoring the pain, I slam my upper shoulder into the bars again. The force of the collision sending a shock wave into the weak wolf. He stumbles, taken aback by my sudden aggression.
His eyes taking in my every detail now. My redden black fur coating my body is fully standing on edge. His gaze flickers to the massive fangs linning my jaws. The more he stares at me, the stronger the urge to kill him rises.
Saliva foams as I snap at the bars again, wishing they weren't here. His brown eyes filling with fear as he falls further backwards. I feel the jolts from the bars but continue to try and snap them.
"RYO!" I hear the Master's voice echo through the cavern like room.
I freeze and step back knowingly. "Are you /that/ hungry?" Master ask sadisticly knowing the guards have withheld my meals for the up coming fight tonight. I growl but keep my gaze down, "Good, you know what to do then."
My low growls resonate around me in a continuous response.
"Told you." I watch carefully as the Master walks to the cowardly wolf, "Be sure to place your Master's bets tonight." Soon both males leave after idlely chatting.
I go back and rest in my usual corner, well worn out, perfectly molded to my form. I always pick up her smell first, such rich dirt. Rolling my eyes I pull my tail tighter, this strange little pup has an unhealthy attachment to me.
It's not long before the young one slips through the cell door, her small frame nothing but bones covered in a tattered shirt. I can't not fathom why she insist on bothering me so, for months she has snuck in to see me.
She is the only other person who never finches when I snap. Doesn't matter how much I try, she never seems to care. Either stupidity or bravery, I am still undecided.
"Ryo," she steps alittle closer, "Ryo? Are you awake?"
I growl warningly and push her back with my tail.
"I found this outside during my chores." She steps to the side, slowly tip toeing closer to me.
I turn away, repositioning my back to face her. She is older then sister wolf was but yet... I growl annoyed at the thoughts. I truly wish she would just leave me alone actually.
"You will like it." She speaks gently, and soon a very sweet smell enters the air.
My ears twitch giving away my curiosity. I don't move though and wait to see what she does next. Normally she places the treats and leaves.
"It's called a cookie, it has alittle dirt on it but it should taste good." I hear her light laugh, something gentle left in it still.
I listen intently as she walks away, the cell door closing silently behind her. I turn my head and watch through the bars as she slips back out of my room.
Checking to confirm no one is around, I stand and walk over to the treat she left. I sniff it cautiously but the smell was inviting. I gingerly lick it, savoring the taste. All too soon its gone and I let out a heavy sigh.
Knowing tonight is gonna be long, I hunker down and let myself sleep. Hours tick by and I can sense something out of place again. I growl fericously, that strange feeling has returned tonight.
Pacing my cell, wishing I could sink my fangs into that stranger's kneck. A feeling of weakness tries to float and that just ever fuels my hate. I can't be weak, I need to get stronger. Soon I hear the Alpha's foot steps approaching, I walk towards the gate door. The chain pulled tightly, still anchoring me to the wall.
I am fighting something strong and the Alpha needs me at my best. The anticipation building at the thought of killing a strong challenger. My greatest pleasure comes when such people buckle to ground and I look down upon their disbelieving faces knowing my will to live is stronger then theirs.
I enter the ring swiftly tonight, no restrictions were on me for this reason. The crowd settles instantly upon my arrival, their breathing hitching as they stare at the center of the pit.
All their excitement bottled. I roar out fericously, igniting the stands. My own excitement bubbling out. I see a strong wolf standing in the center, waiting for me.
I can sense the power in this challenger, he isn't the same as the mindless rogues I'm usually pit against. I walk up and stop 20 feet away from him, low growls echo from my chest.
He is bloodly from previous fights and dead rogues still lay at his feet. Only adding to my desire to kill him. The challenger is large, maybe a foot shorter then myself. His muzzle open, fangs sharpening and dripping with blood. His yellow eyes stand strong against the dark brown of his fur.
His gaze is filled with friece determination, telling me he won't die easily. I snarl with excitement, I knew tonight's fight was gonna be fun. He growls threateningly, inviting me to attack.
The boldest fighter yet, I launch forward, my paws leaving deep rivets as I push off. Our bodies collide like mountains, neither one of us gaining ground. We snarl and snap jaws, the sounds of fang against fang clashes sharply in the ears.
If he wasn't already injured I probably be challenged more but that's not the case tonight. I eventually do get the upper hand, sinking my fangs into his nape. Hurling him across the pit with ease.
As I release him, I can feel his fangs tear away some of my flesh. I glare at him with new hatred, not waiting for him to recover I dart forward. Chaos suddenly explodes in the stands around me as fighting erupts.
I can feel the stranger close, the blue eye man is here. Shaking my head from the random distractions, I right myself for another attack. I lunge forward and dodge as dead wolves start falling into the pit. Blood rains down as I continue forward towards the challenger. He doesn't hesitate and pounces for my throat in turn. His mistake, I growl with excitement.
I side step and snap my jaw down, my fangs sinking in behind his head. I can feel the crunch of his bones as he violently tries to pry himself free.
I laugh and bite harder, his body finally going limp. I toss him sideways, and watch has he shifts into his human form. I win. The fight is over.
He lays bleeding and battered in the center of the ring. Seeing him breathing still, I circle inwardly going for the kill.
I am stronger. What happens next completely throws me off, as the most striking wolf stands in front of me now.

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